Chapter 17

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After surviving the death cave, the ground beneath our feet felt like it was burning us. The ground was nothing but rocks and steam. The water had turned to acid and the air stang my eyes. "Where are we?"

"Death Valley. Nothing lives here. Past those mountains in the distance, " he pointed. "Is where supposedly where your friends are captive along with others. "

In the distance where he is talking about, were the two large mountain across Death Valley. Even the sky was dark and menacing. "Phoenix?"

"Yeah, love?"

"Why are you helping me? And how do you know all these things?"

Phoenix stared off in the distance and sighed. His expression showed grief and sorrow.

"They took someone... Didn't they?" I gently touched his arm.

"My brother... They took him, but wouldn't take me. Said I wasn't 'pure'.  Since then, I've studied how to find him and..." he sighed and rubbed around his mouth again.

"What is it?"

"I'm not a good man, Celeste. I may seem like I am but, I'm not. " his gaze lowered to his feet.

"Phoenix, " I hugged his arm. "No one is perfect. But, don't let the past make up who you are. You saved me and protected me. Your not even mad that I tried to kill you. You're brave, strong, and kind. You may have done things you've regret, but don't let those things change who you are. Learn from your mistakes. "

Phoenix lifted his head slightly to look down upon me them nodded. "We should keep moving. It's not safe here. "

In the distance was a loud piercing roar and we both shot our heads up. "We need to move. Now!"

Ice and FireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon