Chapter 25

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Phoenix blinked and stared at me confused. "What do you mean one of them?"

Daisy bent down and hugged me, which was unexpected. "She... She helps him... " Daisy said softly. Then she pulled away and held out her hand for me to take. I accepted and slowly allowed her to pull me up.
"She also doesn't want Hayden to leave either, but we're still going in. " I said then started walking.

"Do you know where he is?" Phoenix asked.

"No, but I do know one thing. Jade knows that we'd go looking with the other prisoners. Therefore, she wouldn't have Hayden there. My guess, Hayden is with her and the guy they keep talking about. Daisy, do you know where that is?"

"No, but I do know a way we can find them. " she crossed her arms.


"Through the vents. You up for that big boy?" she asked, teasing Phoenix. Phoenix rolled his eyes with a snarl. Daisy chuckled, thinking she was so cleaver, then went over to one of the vents.

"This world is strange for so many different reasons. We're in a castle that seems so ancient, but yet there's a ventilation system. Kinda fascinating. " Daisy said as she turned her finger to a screwdriver, and undid the screws. She pulled off the vents then started to crawl inside. "Come on. " her voice echoed and Phoenix and I crawled through.

The walls felt like they were closing in and the air was hot and thick. Phoenix was right behind me and I was right behind Daisy. "It's crowed... I think I'm claustrophobic... " I heaved.

"Just breathe. " Daisy whispered. "Deep breaths. You'll make it through this. I promise. " She reassured.
I did as she said and took nice deep breaths. In through the nose... Out through the mouth. Phoenix remained quiet which worried me. "Phoenix?" I whispered.

"Yeah, love?"

"You okay?"

"When you two find Hayden, I'm going to look for my brother. " he said softly.

"Phoenix, we need you. We can go get your brother afterwards. "

"No. I'm not going to waist anymore time. I'm sorry Celeste, but I know you're strong enough. Both of you. " I could hear some distraught in his voice, but only for a second before he made his voice go cold. "We probably won't meet again. "

"I'll wait for you... " I said softly.

"If you're not safe, don't. Understand?"


"No. If you're in danger and they're chasing you, don't wait for me. I'm not worth your lives. "

I sighed. "Okay. " is what I said, but all I can think is how much he does mean to me. I just didn't know how to tell him. 

"Guys, I see light!" Daisy scooted faster along. Phoenix and I kept up the pace. The area around the light was wide enough for all three of us to circle around the vent, looking down below, staying dead silent.

I saw a tall,  skinny, linger man, but it was hard to see his face. He wore all black, typical, and didn't have any hair. We could hear a door open and Jade walked into our few. "I brought him. " she said and two Faceless came in each one has an arm of Hayden.

My fist clenched and I gritted my teeth. Anger boiled my blood and for a moment, I hated Jade.

Hayden was in horrible shape. A black eye and his swollen cheek. His lip was bleeding from it being busted.

"Ah Jade, I knew I could count on you. You impress me more and more. " The mysterious man said. His voice was soft and had an eerie his to it. Like a snake. Jade smiled and lifted her head, obviously boasting. She must've felt so proud of her stupid, ignorant self. I hadn't even realized that I was growling, until Phoenix tapped my shoulder. I turned to him and he hover his finger over his lips. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Jade... Why?" Hayden grunted. Jade turned and walked over to him. "Why do we need him?" she asked, talking to the snake like man. "He's weak. Can't even take my punches. "

Hayden started having a coughing fit and Jade clocked him in the jaw. I heard Daisy gasped and I looked up.  She quickly covered her mouth and didn't take her eyes off of Hayden.

"He is undeniably powerful just like you Jade. Have you contacted the third?"

"She'll be arriving soon I assure. " She smirked.

Hayden glared up and tried to fight the guys off of him, but Jade kicked him in the ribs. He winced and cried out, groaning and lowering his head. "Jade she's your-"

"Shut up!" She kicked him again and he cried out. 

I looked up at Daisy and the fire in her eyes made me imagine that her blood was boiling. Her eyes teared up with anger.

"Daisy, don't think about it.. " I whispered. It must've went right over her head, for she opened the vent and drove down. There was no point in hiding now. I looked over at Phoenix. "Take care. " I said softly. Before he could say anything, I jumped down.

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