Chapter 1

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At day we hide
At night we rise
To take the souls
In order to claim our prize
Hush now child and go to bed
For in the morning
You'll be dead

I gasp awake throwing my head up and look around. "Woah. Celeste, You okay?" Hayden sat next to me. His dark hair covered his forehead and his bright blue eyes shined as they stared at me.
"I'm fine. Just had a weird dream that's all. " I sighed and realized I was still in class.
"The voices again?" he whispered. I chose not to respond.

After class had ended, I went to my locker as usual and placed my books inside. The day seemed to drag on until lunch. Hayden, like always, was the first one at our table. The table sat nexted to a wall of windows, so you get a good view of the campus grounds. The teachers used to all eat here, but during the winter they have no reason to; since no one goes outside.

I sat down next to Jade who was sitting next to Hayden. "Sup? " Jade groaned as she picked at her food.

"Sorry they had meatloaf today, Jade. I know how you're against meat. " I replied, not intending to answer her question. 

"It's whatever. " she shrugged. On most days Jade would wear plaid shirts and dark clothing. The most color she would show was her hair, but today her hood covered her bright purple locks.

"Rough day?" Hayden asked with a mouthful of the mysterious meat.
Jade didn't respond and tightened her grip on her fork.

"Well don't suffocate the fork. It's done nothing to you. "

I glared at Hayden telling him that it wasn't funny.

"Come on Jade.. " he poked her on the cheek. "Tell me what's up. "

"Hayden, please, just leave me alone. " she glared up at him. Her silver eyes can be mesmerizing, but with an icy stare, it's like looking into death itself.

"Alright fine whatever. " he shrugged. "Wanna talk about your dreams yet?" his gaze focused on me.

"It's the same every time I close my eyes. Nothing new. "

"Have you determined what it means?" Jade's tone was mono but she was definitely concerned.

"Like I said, it's just the same.. "


"I don't know, Jade. "

"Okay okay, so, you said that these weird dreams came to you after your father died right?" Hayden asked

"Mhm.. "

"Then it's him. "

"It's not. "

"Why not?"

"It's not his voice. "

"So? He might sound different in the afterlife. You never know. "

"It's not him!" My voice raised and the room went silent. Eyes darting around before meeting mine. I felt my heart start to pump and my cheeks turn warm.

"Sorry. " he whispered

I pushed my trey away. "Hayden, dump my trey. " I demanded and then I went to class.

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