Chapter 16

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I had been sobbing alone in the dark for quiet sometime. Not sure how long for there's no concept of time. "Phoenix I'm... So sorry.. " I choked and coughed. Emotionally I was exhausted, and just wanted to lay down next to Phoenix one last time. So, I did. My eyes had not adjusted to the darkness at all so I had trouble finding Phoenix's chest. I sighed and felt his arm then his shoulder.

Then I realized, his skin was still warm. "Phoenix?" I whispered with a small glimmer of hope. Slowly I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes to concentrate. I felt a small heartbeat and I gasped and shot straight up. "Phoenix wake up!" I said while gently shaking him. At this point I wasn't sure if my eyes were closed or open. "Phoenix.. " I felt around til I found his face. "Wake up.. " I whispered once I cupped his cheeks. "I can't do this without you please... I need you.. " I sniffed.

When there was no response, I buried my head in his neck and sobbed again. What if he never wakes up? What will I do? I have no source of light and how will I carry him though this? I started to panic as my sobs grew more intense.

 I was so focused on my thoughts, I didn't even notice that I was being held. That a warm touch rest upon my shoulder. Once I was able to clear my head, I saw a glimmer of light from behind my eyelids. I opened my eyes and lifted my head to see Phoenix looking down at me. His face had a small smile once he saw me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed as tight as I could, afraid that if I let go, I'll lose him again.

"Love, can't... Breathe.. " he said with a croaky voice.

"Sorry!" I loosened my grip and his arms wrapped around me, hugging me tight. "I'm so sorry Phoenix I don't know what happen I-"

"It's okay, Celeste." he spoke softly. "I know what happened. " Phoenix loosened his grip as did I and we pulled back to face eachother. "This cave is cursed. I misinterpreted the meaning of the curse. It says, 'One who speaks of their weaknesses shall perish. ' but 'speaks' means any form of language. Even your thoughts. I thought it was of the physical tongue. I was wrong. "

"I just kept thinking of-"

"Don't say it. Don't think it. We aren't out yet. " Phoenix grunted and stood up slowly, leaning against the wall. "Celeste, you have a tight grip." he forced out a chuckled. My cheeks grew warm forming a light shade of pink. Hopefully Phoenix couldn't see my blushing through the darkness.

"Luckily, the cave ends close by... I hope. " he trudge forwards and I followed close behind him until we reached the end of the cave.

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