Chapter 21

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The night was long and it consisted of waking up throughout the night in pain. Grunting and groaning. When I finally was able to rest, I heard it again. The voiced I haven't heard in a while.

At day we hide
At night we rise
To take the souls
In order to claim our prize
Hush now child and go to bed
For in the morning
You'll be dead

I woke up gasping seeing Daisy already awake. She looked dover at me with wide eyes. "Woah you're sweating like pig. "

I wiped my brow and realized she was right. Daisy walked over and placed her hand on my forehead. "You're burning up. This isn't good. " she mumbled then stood up.

I stayed laying down panting and heaving. The pain grew even worse. I gritted my teeth and tightened my jaw shut.  "It's... Hurts... " I heaved. 

Daisy looked down at me worried, which was the last thing I saw before blacking out.

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I heard voices as I slowly regained my consciousness. My eyes were still closed, but the voices started to sound clearer.

"Are you sure you know her?"

"Yes! I've been telling you. I lost her in the fog! I'm not here to hurt you, but if you don't give her back. I will take drastic measures. " The familiar voice said threatening. I let out a groan and I felt my body being lifted up. I hear shouting before blacking out again. 

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"Celeste... " a soft voice said. I slowly opened my eyes to see Phoenix standing over me. "Phoenix?" I spoke with a raspy voice.

"Yeah it's me love. Time to wake up. " his gentle hand caressed my cheek. I tried to sit up, but I felt too weak. Phoenix gently grabbed my hand and helped me sit up. "What happened?" I crocked.

"Take it easy. We were separated. I guess you got hurt-"

"I saved you then this douche bag showed up threatening me!" Daisy scolded. I looked and seen her leaning against a tree with her arms crossed. Her scowl turned into a smirk. "Glad to see you're not dead. You looked like shit last I saw you. "

"Gee thanks. " I forced a chuckled.

Phoenix turned back to me. "Yes I did threaten her for obvious reasons, but doesn't matter. You're here now and your safe. "

I looked around seeing the old ruins and the dead trees. "Where are we?"

"We are in the Dead Forest... Right outside the castle. " Daisy frowned.
My eyes widened and I turned and saw the castle just a few hundred feet. "Is it not guarded?"

"Oh no it is, but we ain't going to waltz in the front door like some girl scouts selling cookies. No, we are going in through the sewers. "

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