Chapter 15

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Soon the trees turn to rocks as we ventured forward into the mountains. I followed close behind Phoenix as usual, when suddenly he stopped. "What is it?" I asked. He held his hand up for me to hush then moved forward again.
"Um, I'm sorry, but what's with the sudden-"

"Shhh!" he turned and snapped. His brows firm and he had a slight snarl. I remained silent as my heart pounded in my chest. Now I was scared.

He trudged forward until we stumbled upon a cave. It was pitch black inside with an eerie silence inside. My stomach dropped as a lump in my throat formed that was too hard to swallow. Everything inside me told me not to go in, but secretly I knew there was no other choice.

Still not saying a word, Phoenix enter in without hesitation, lighting up his hands to see. I followed behind him remaining silent. The low hum of silence was the only noise that kept me from going insane. I tried to entertain myself with my thoughts, but they all ended up tracing back to Sam. His smile that was wide enough to show his crooked teeth. His laugh echo in my ears along with the face we would make when I tickled him. My heart sank as I felt a lump in my throat again. Tears welled up in my eyes and my lip quivered. I felt a hand on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. I assumed it was Phoenix, so I turned to look, but the dark figure was much taller than Phoenix. His hands were cold as ice. I screamed and broke away from it's grip and sprites towards the glowing light. Phoenix grabbed me and pulled my against the wall with his hand clasped over my mouth. "Please love, stay quiet!" he whispered then his frown softened as he saw my tears. He pulled his hand away from my mouth and slowly backed away. Phoenix held out his hand and gently I took it and we walked. "Please tell me why we must stay quiet?" I whispered.

"Because, the cave walls have ears. " he whispered, "No more talking, and don't think. "

I opened my mouth to asked how we could just stop thinking, but that would contradict the no talking. A tear rolled down my and dripped off the side of my cheek. I felt another hand on my shoulder and I froze. Phoenix turned around. His eyes oddly stayed focus on me. Our eyes locked as he mouthed something I couldn't make out. Curiosity got the better of me and I turned to look at the figure grabbing my shoulder. Phoenix grabbed my wrist to make me look back at him and shook his head. The hand tightened its grip on my shoulder making me want to look even more. Phoenix mouthed again and I heard a whisper. It was hard to make out the whisper but one thing was for sure, it wasn't from Phoenix.

"He lies. He lies. " The whispers repeated. "He lies. His identity lies. "

Phoenix didn't seem to hear the whispers, for he didn't react.

"He is not the one you seek. He lies. He lies. "

My heart pounded and my breathing was shaky. The whispers grew louder.

"Tell me mortal. Why does he help? What's his reasoning?"

I realize who the whispers were talking about. They're talking about Phoenix. I looked up at Phoenix now no longer afraid of the being behind me. "You lie. " I say. Not knowing what's taking control of me. Phoenix brought me hear to die. He had to. He led Sam to his death!

"You didn't save him!" I shouted at him. "You killed Sam!"

"Celeste, listen to me. You're not thinking straight. I would never hurt you. Please. " he begged, but I ignored his words and lunged forward, tackling him to the ground. Phoenix pushed me up and held out his glowing hands. "Celeste snap out of it!"

I made an inhuman sound. A low growl that emerged from my throat. "Kill him!" The whispers shouted in my ears. "Kill!" I screamed and tackled Phoenix again, wrapping my fingers around his throat. I squeezed his neck tighter and tighter, watching him struggle to break free. 

"I will avenge you Sam. Aren't you proud? See Sam? You didn't die in vein! See?" I screamed letting out manic laugh.  Phoenix's lights from his hands for to die out until we were surrounded by darkness.

"Celeste stop!" I heard a familiar cry in the distance.

I looked around the darkness for the source of the voice. "Celeste stop!" I immediately let go of Phoenix after recognizing the voice. "Sam?" I called out. Suddenly I realized what I've done and looked down at Phoenix. Sheer horror came over my face when Phoenix wasn't moving. "Phoenix!" I screamed and lifted his face. The darkness didn't allow me to see his lifeless face and part of me didn't want to. "Phoenix wake up! Please... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry!" o sobbed and cried in his chest. "Phoenix!" I cried out. I lost him. I killed him. And now I'm completely alone.

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