34 ~ Month Ten: September

Start from the beginning

"So Ellis, you're going where?" I ask, changing the subject as I sip the red drink, a relatively pleasant taste spreading through my mouth.

"University of Southern California."

"Not that far away then." Becky notes, nodding.

"No." Ellis nods. "You can always visit me Becky."

"Thanks for the offer." Becky scoffs, shaking her head as she chuckles.

"And Ben?"

"University of Washington in Seattle." He answers, smiling.

"Wow." Zara exclaims.

"That's far!" I blurt out.

"That's going to be cold." Becky remarks, taking another sip of her drink.

"I fancied a change." He shrugs, smiling. Wow, I wish I had the confidence to move that far away. It would be different if my parents were alive. There's no way I can leave Elle all by herself.

"Good for you!" I exclaim, lightly shoving his shoulder.

"Becky... I..." Chris walks up to us, his eyes on the same girl as always.

"Not tonight Chris." Becky tries, smiling softly at him.

"I... Uh..."

"Come on Chris, let's find the guys." Ben interrupts, placing his arm around Chris' shoulders and leading him away.


"I know! But I just can't reject him again!" Becky cuts Zara off, putting her head in her hands.

"He's got it bad for you." Ellis notes, looking after Chris and Ben.

"It's for the best that he's leaving!" Becky retorts.


"He's harmless. But he needs to change the record. I'm not that great a catch!" She argues, holding her arms up.

"Oh but you are!" I argue, wrapping my arm around her as I drink.

"Thanks babe!" She grins, Ellis shaking his head at us before walking off.

"Fancy going shopping next week before school starts?" Becky asks us.

"Definitely!" Zara grins.

"What day? I have a couple of shifts at the diner..."

"It's back open?" Becky asks.

"They never shut." I grimace.

"Did they let you have time off?"

"Well no but..."


"You're better than that place." Becky protests.

"I know." I reply, bored with the same argument that I have with everyone. "But..."

"I'm sure you could find a better job elsewhere." Becky exclaims, smiling.

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