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“We're patrolling the ShadeClan border,” Stonefur called back to her. Skyheart nodded as they set off out of camp. It was now late new-leaf, three moons after becoming a warrior. Skyheart walked ungracefully as her kits squirmed yet again inside her belly. She was thrilled at the prospect of being a mother, though she had told no one- not even Greystorm. She guessed that the medicine cats knew, as she had went to them complaining about a bellyache.

Skyheart thought briefly about her brother, who had recently earned his full medicine cat name, Fogpelt. They had said nothing to her, but somehow she figured they found out. She had only been expecting her kits for a half-moon, but she wished to stay a warrior as long as possible. She knew that if Greystorm found out, he would make her move to the nursery at once!

“Skyheart, you start and catch up,” the patrol leader and her mother, Pebblenose, told her. Skyheart obeyed, while Stonefur, Pebblenose and the last member, Stormclaw, carried on. She sprayed her scent and ran to catch up. She was a little disconcerted that she felt quite a bit heavier and she was slightly panting from a short run. She was starting to get plump also, which would soon attract the attention of her clanmates. She returned to the back of the patrol, until Pebblenose brought them to a halt.

“ShadeClan,” Stormclaw opened his jaws to scent the air.

“We are right beside the border. It might just be a patrol,” Stonefur reminded quietly.

“Maybe, let's hope so,” Pebblenose muttered, quickly glancing at her daughter. Skyheart realized with a sudden jolt that her mother knew she was expecting kits. She avoided her gaze as Pebblenose led the patrol farther along the border. A couple fox-lengths up, four ShadeClan cats were on the edge of the border and watched them approach. Skyheart recognized all of the warriors from gatherings, Brokenjaw, Wolfhowl, Nettleclaw and Foxbound.

Stormclaw and Pebblenose greeted the four rival warriors curtly as the patrol passed, but turned around at a threat from Wolfhowl.

“Why are you so near our territory?” he demanded in a growl. All four toms looked ready for a fight, even though they knew it would be unjust.

“We're a border patrol, just like you,” Pebblenose meowed calmly, purposely standing beside her daughter protectively. “You're near our territory to.”

We aren't stealing prey. We scented your cats inside our border the way you came.” Foxbound snarled. Skyheart gulped, there was no way they would get away without a fight.

“We certainly were not!” Stonefur meowed indignantly, lashing his tail in rage. Stormclaw gave him a warning glare, even though he was right. Without another word, Brokenjaw yowled an attack signal and lunged at Skyheart. She gasped in fear and braced herself. She was furious at herself for not moving to the nursery. Before the tom could bowl her over, Pebble nose smashed him away.

“Get away from her!” She spat furiously as the tom rolled on the ground unbalanced. Pebblenose quickly turned to Skyheart. “This is not a battle you will fight! Go back to camp and get more cats!” Skyheart nodded and took off towards camp. Her paws barely held her as she pounded through the entrance. She could barely breath and she had received a nasty belly ache.

“Amberdawn, Flamestar!” she yowled. “A Shadeclan patrol attacked ours!” Skyheart panted as the two cats bounded over from his den.

“Patchfur and Mudfoot, come with me!” Flamestar beckoned the two warriors with him and pounded out of camp at once. Amberdawn turned to her.

“I suppose you're thinking twice about not moving to the nursery?” She proposed looking pointedly at her. “You should tell him, Skyheart. He'll be more pleased than if he finds out from some one else.” Skyheart nodded at the truth, aware that the deputy was right.

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