Chapter 20

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Chapter #20

“Brooksong, wait!” Skypaw yowled across the clearing. Brooksong had appeared from the Bramble tunnel and was heading back to the medicine cat den with her jaws crammed with catmint for Greystorm. The returning she-cat looked over at Skypaw and set down the herbs as she rushed over.

The howling wind carried her along as if she was flying. Storm clouds covered the sky, threatening more snow and rain. It was only a matter of time before the squall would brake.

“Yes, Skypaw?” the medicine cat tried her best to stay calm, though her tail-tip twitched with exasperation. Skypaw ignored it, though she could understand her clanmate's impatience. It had been a couple sunrises since she had been ordered to rest by Kinkpelt, and Skypaw had asked the medicine cat about Greystorm every time she saw her.

“I'm sorry I'm bothering you so much, but I just need to know! How is he?” Skypaw kneading the snow with her paws, extremely anxious. Her eyes were pleading for an immediate answer. The wind buffeted their fur, slicking it to their sides. From the lack of prey, Skypaw could notice some the faint outline of her ribs.

“I'll tell you the same thing, Skypaw. You still cannot see him. He's still exhausted and weak.” Brooksong dipped her head in sympathy, with her eyes softening at the young she-cat. “Skypaw, listen to me. I promise I will tell you if anything changes, alright? Go join a patrol or something, to get your mind off of Greystorm.”

“I will, but I can't say it will help. I won't be relaxed until he is better,” Skypaw meowed, bowing her head in grief. She felt the medicine cat lick her ear in an empty gesture of comfort. Skypaw lifted her head and blinked gratefully at the medicine cat before turning around to find her mentor. It didn't take long at all to find the kinky furred she-cat. She was huddled with a group of warriors, sheltering from the horrible weather. She bounded over and didn't hesitate before squeezing between her mentor and Russet-tail. He said nothing as she did so. She muttered a sorry, but could not tell if her heard it over the loud wind. Poppyflower and Stormclaw were in the group, to.

“What is it?” Kinkpelt pressed, meowing loudly.

“Oh! Sorry. Brooksong told me to join a patrol.” Kinkpelt's eyes looked troubled as she answered.

“I don't think it is wise for you to go out right now. The storm hasn't even broke yet!” Kinkpelt warned, tipping her head in caution. “You should wait, though I appreciate your eagerness.”

“Wait a minute, Kinkpelt.”

Skypaw turned her head to gaze over her shoulder and saw Flamestar right behind her. He had to have been listening to their whole conversation.

“Flamestar?” Kinkpelt questioned. “No disrespect, but what are you talking about?” She mewed cautiosly, aware she was speaking to the clan leader.

“I should take her out, see how she deals with scenting in this weather. If all goes well, I will hold her warrior ceremony at sunset.” Flamestar answered confidently. Skypaw's eyes widened in shock, astonished at the sudden idea.

“W-What about my assessment? I haven't finished it,” Skypaw stammered after a swift pause. She struggled to turn around in between the two warriors, but finally managed it.

“There's no need. You did well in the beginning. You saved a clanmate, putting your own life in danger. If that is not worth your warrior name, I don't know what is,” Flamestar phrased pleasantly, blinking proudly at her. Skypaw gasped at the excellent compliment.

She managed to exclaim, “Thank-you!”

“We'll head out now, but we may as well make it a patrol. Fetch Stonefur and wait at the entrance for me.” Flamestar ordered. Before he could pad away, Kinkpelt meowed.

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