Chapter 1

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Chapter #1

        Skypaw cleaned her blueish grey fur in the bright sunlight in the middle of camp. The sun made it look silver. It was almost Leaf- bare, but it was a rare day that the sun was warm. The air was crisp, and frost made the grass sparkle and crunch. She raised her fluffy face to the warm, shining sun. She opened her large, dark blue eyes and gazed around camp. It was about sun- high, with many patrols sent out. Two of the queens, Hollyshine and Fawndapple were inspecting the prey pile for a choice of fresh-kill that they would enjoy. Hollyshine's fur was jet- black with one white paw. She was striking. Fawndapple was a pretty, cream she- cat with brown flecks winding through her thick fur.

Skypaw continued to look on until a pair of bright, amber eyes caught hers. She sat up now, and for a moment, her gaze was locked with Greypaw's. She stood up as he appeared out of the apprentice's den. Greypaw had been sent on the dawn patrol, so he had been allowed to have a nap when he returned. His jaws widened into a yawn as he padded over.

“Hi Skypaw!” he chirped. “It turned out to be a wonderful day!”

“Yes, it has! Was it cold at dawn?” she wondered, curious at how far away leaf-bare was.

“Yes . . . and snowing,” the handsome grey tom replied. “Have you gone on any patrols yet?”

“Snowing?” Skypaw was bewildered. “But no, Kinkpelt hasn't even talked to me. I don't think she's in camp 'cause I haven't seen her,” Skypaw assumed. She was glad that she had just groomed her pelt, as she wouldn't want Greypaw to tease her about kinky fur. He did that often. “I think you need to groom your fur?” she hinted at him. He looked down at his own flattened pelt.

“Maybe,” a playful glisten sparked in his eyes. “Want to share some prey?” Skypaw saw hope flare in his expression so she agreed.

“Sure, I haven't eaten yet,” she went to go pick the prey for them. Hollyshine and Fawndapple were over near the camp entrance sharing a vole. She was just about to pick out a thrush when a bunch of squeals came from the nursery.

“I guess they woke up!” Skypaw heard Hollyshine exclaim. “Believe me, they'll be out in a minute!” Just as the kit's mother suspected, a moment later three kits tumbled out of the nursery, squealing still and shrieking with excitement. Skypaw purred with amusement at the kits. She had watched them a few times before, when she thought Hollyshine had needed a rest. There were two she cats and a tom. Snowkit was a black and white she cat with green eyes. Ravenkit was the second she cat and was pure black. She had unusual, big blue eyes. The tom was Black-kit. He was jet-black like his mother with green eyes.

“Skypaw! Skypaw!” A chorus of squeaks arose from the bouncy kits as they hurdled towards her. She thought they would have ran to their mother, but they saw her first. The kits were four moons old, and growing rapidly. She braced herself as the kits reached her. They jumped on her without hesitation, piercing her skin with thorn sharp claws as they raked her back in anticipation. She yowled and fell onto her side dramatically.

“Please, let me go!” Skypaw pleaded playfully.

“Can we hunt anywhere on Shadeclan territory?” Black-kit demanded.

“Oh, yes! Frostclan is the best!” Skypaw played along, bursting with amusement. The load on her lessened as the kits rolled off. Skypaw breathed in deeply to get her breath back.

“And we're the strongest!” Ravenkit added loudly.

“Yes!” Snowkit agreed. “'Bye Skypaw!” Snowkit shouted over her shoulder as she bounded after her kin when they raced to their mother, which they had finally seen. Skypaw's gaze lingered onto the bundles of fur for a few seconds before tearing it away from the lovable kits. She grabbed the thrush, realizing Greypaw was probably waiting. He most likely had been watching her play to. She held the prey in her jaws as she jogged over to where Greypaw was sitting. He had his head tilted to the side, with an amused expression plastered onto his face.

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