Chapter 18

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Chapter #18

“Skypaw! Thank StarClan you are alright!”Mosspaw hurdled on his stumpy legs across the clearing. Skypaw had gotten checked over by Brooksong, who had allowed her to return to her duties. Skypaw padded farther away from the den only to be cut off from Mosspaw and Reedpaw.

“Nobody would tell us what happened!” Mosspaw snapped angrily, a frown creasing his face.

“I'm glad you're alright, though,” Reedpaw added. “What will happen with your assessment?” Skypaw shrugged, not sure herself. She was worried about it.

“Leave her alone! Go find your mentors!” Kinkpelt snapped at the two younger apprentices. The nodded, startled by her fierceness, and bolted away. Skypaw knew she must have been worried sick. “Oh, Skypaw! Sorrelflight and I followed your trail and found the two catches, but then we found the uncovered vole. I knew something had to have happened. Then we headed to the river, where your scent trail led. I was so scared when I saw the broken ice. We ran back to camp to see what happened, or if any cat knew,” Kinkpet continued, with fear shining in her eyes.

“Don't worry, I'm fine,” Skypaw assured her mentor. Skypaw felt unusually wide awake and alert and pressed her muzzle comfortingly against the warrior's side.

“It was very brave of you to save Greystorm,” Kinkpelt complimented. “But . . . it was mouse-brained to. What if both of you had of drowned?”

“Well, we didn't,”Skypaw retorted. “Well, what about my assessment?” She voiced the first question that had been mentioned by Reedpaw.

Kinkpelt paused for a second before answering, “I honestly don't know. We can ask Flamestar later. Meanwhile, we're going hunting with Hazelfall and Nightowl.” Skypaw cringed at the mention of Nightowl. The last time she talked to him, she nearly got her muzzle swiped. On top of that, she didn't want to leave Greystorm.

“I guess,” Skypaw shrugged. Kinkpelt noticed her apprentice glance back at the medicine cat den.

“Skypaw, Brooksong will take good care of him, I promise. My sister is very talented-and so is your littermate. How about you catch some prey for Greystorm instead of worrying about him?” Kinkpelt proposed, but there was an amused glint in her eyes. Skypaw felt slightly annoyed, but did not dare show it. What part about this is amusing? Skypaw also forgot that the pretty medicine cat was her mentor's littermate. Now that Skypaw thought about it, the two she-cats did look alike; they both had the same silvery coat, split up by silky black flecks and patches.

“Alright,” Skypaw agreed finally. At least she would do some good while hunting. “Let's go.” Kinkpelt looked relieved as she spun around and jogged over to the Bramble tunnel. Skypaw followed closely. She murmured a greeting to the two warriors, and sighed when Nightowl seemed uncomfortable. Brushing it off, she pounded down the slope at the back of the patrol. Kinkpelt led them towards the twoleg nest. Skypaw called up to the warriors, “The hunting there was well yesterday.”

“I know, Sorrelflight and I collected your catches at dusk,” Kinkpelt answered smoothly.

“Oh, thank-you,” Skypaw meowed gratefully. Nightowl, who was slightly ahead of her, dropped back until he matched the young cat step for step.

“Look, I'm sorry that, well, how I was. I didn't want to claw you,” Nightowl stammered, looking quite embarrassed.

Skypaw forgave him easily, “It's fine. I understand you were anxious for Fawndapple. They are beautiful kits, by the way.”

“Thank-you.” He looked relieved and bounded forward again to catch up with the other warriors. Skypaw scented the air, searching fro prey once they were nearing the abandoned den.

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