Chapter 10

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Chapter #10

Skypaw was alone in the forest. It was early dawn, but it was light enough to see clearly. By the looks of the sky, she saw that it was going to be a beautiful day. She saw no clouds on the horizon, only a pale blue sky. Skypaw's fur ruffled in the breeze, and her paws tingled from the cold. She realized she would have to be heading back soon, since the camp would be stirring.

She sighed deeply. It had been a sunrise since her last meeting with Shadowstrike. Skypaw played the new fighting technique over in her mind, until she stood up abruptly.

She was sitting at the edge of the pond, just outside camp. It was completely frozen still, but she didn't want to play on the ice for once. Skypaw was unusually gloomy today, but she shook her head and padded back to camp.

“Where were you?” Hazelfall wondered when Skypaw reached the entrance. She was outside the barrier, guarding the entrance. “I didn't see you leave.”

“Oh, I had to make dirt, but then I decided to go for a short walk,” Skypaw explained, which was the truth. She though if she stretched her legs that she would find the need to sleep, but it didn't happen. Hazelfall let her pass, but then followed her.

“I'm going to my nest, I was guarding the camp all night! Thank Starclan that Patchfur will be doing it tonight!” Hazelfall stretched and showed her sharp teeth in a wide yawn.

Skypaw looked sympathetically at her, but then moved over into the middle of the clearing. She sat patiently with her tail curled over her small forepaws and watched as Amberdawn slid out of the warriors den, with a few cats behind her. Skypaw stood up and padded calmly over her. Amberdawn had sat down to give her creamy fur a quick wash.

Amberdawn looked up as Skypaw reached her, “Skypaw, what is it?”

“May I join the dawn patrol?” Skypaw asked politely.

Amberdawn answered at once, “Sure, and thank- you for volunteering. Stonefur and Poolripple were just leaving.” Skypaw nodded, pleased, and swiftly caught up to the two patrol members. They were just heading out of camp.

“Mind if I join you- Amberdawn knows,” Skypaw asked.

“Not at all,” Poolripple meowed, looking back over her shoulder.

“We're checking the Leafclan border,” Stonefur added. “They better not have crossed our border!” He flexed his claws as he walked.

“It's been quiet since the battle, so they wouldn't have a reason to cross this morning,” Poolripple meowed evenly. “If they do, we know what will happen!” The white she- cat meant that they would chase out a patrol if they saw one. Flamestar had told all of the patrols to do so.

“I don't know. I don't trust a hair on Lynxstar's spotted pelt! She unpredictable- just look at what she did the last gathering!” Stonefur continued in an angry hiss.

“I agree. All her warriors supported a lie. The apprentices spat at me and Greypaw!” Skypaw finally spoke. She thought back to the gathering. She trotted at the rear, while Poolripple led. They neared the border quickly.

“Skypaw, tell me what you smell,” Poolripple ordered. Skypaw immediately opened her jaws to scent the air.

“Stale mouse, obviously their border stench! Over that, I do smell Leafclan cats, though,” Skypaw told them. Stonefur and Poolripple nodded, approving her answer, even though cats were intruding on their land.

“You're right, Skypaw! There are Leafclan cats ahead. I think we are even matched, though,” Poolripple meowed, her shoulder fur bristling. Skypaw, how about you scout ahead. Be quiet, and don't let them know we are here.” Skypaw nodded and bounded away, her paws skimming lightly over the snowy ground. She crouched low, and weaved through the snow-covered shrubbery. Soon enough, she saw three pelts flickering a fox- length away from her. She was downwind, so they wouldn't be able to scent her.

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