Chapter 9

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Chapter #9

“Skypaw! Wake up, it's sun-high!” Greypaw's voice stirred her ear fur as he hissed quietly. She vaguely remembered that they had a training session today. She shook her head as she sat up groggily.

“Alright, prepare to be mouse-dust!” she warned him playfully. “Can you tell our mentors I'll be out shortly?” Greypaw nodded and burst back out of the den. Skypaw urgently gave herself a quick grooming, and then crawled out of the den into a harsh light. Even though it was almost the middle of leaf- bare, sun- high gave off a bright, grey light. She noticed the three cats at the Bramble tunnel, waiting for her patiently. She rushed over.

“Did you get a good sleep?” Kinkpelt asked her. “I would hope you both did- we've got a special training session planned. Something neither of you have done before!” Kinkpelt looked excitedly at Russet-tail, who was flicking his tail in anticipation. Skypaw thought about what it could be, but came up confused.

“Can you tell us what it is?” Greypaw voiced her own curiosity. The mentors both shook their heads no.

“Anyways, if we want to get a good session in today, we better get going!” Russet-tail dismissed further discussion and led the way out of camp. It hadn't snowed in a few days, but the snow hadn't melted either. Skypaw followed, matching her mentor step for step, while Greypaw looked around at the back. To Skypaw's pleasure, they reached the training clearing swiftly. They all padded to the far end of the clearing and sat down behind a shrub, which sheltered them from the slow breeze.

“Alright. Now you can know! We'll be teaching you how to fight two cats at once. It is hard and it'll take all of your concentration,” Kinkpelt meowed, raising her chin. “Russet- tail will show you both how to do it. So you both are on the same team first.” She pointed for the three cats to start. Russet- tail bared his teeth and dove at Skypaw. Skypaw fought back, but Greypaw smacked him aside before he could do anything. Skypaw reared and hit Russet-tail's shoulder hard, but he didn't stumble. Greypaw tussled with him on the ground, but when Skypaw gripped the tom's shoulder to drag him off, he turned and faced her, throwing the younger cat off. Skypaw dodged the first blow, and managed to distract him by jumping on top of him. Greypaw stood up from the ground and joined in, just as the mentor dropped onto his back. Skypaw was crushed underneath the heavy cat, but Greypaw took over once again. Skypaw struggled to her paws, winded, but snarled in mock anger. Russet-tail noticed her driving at him, so he crouched low on the ground and her paws barely skimmed his ear tips. Greypaw drove him backward while Skypaw sprang in from each side, nipping and landing blows. Suddenly Kinkpelt's yowl cut them off, “Enough! Come on back here!”

“You two are a formidable fighting pair!” Russet-tail phrased easily, looking at them warmly. Skypaw dipped her head in thanks, while Greypaw murmured to his mentor.

“The trick is to not stay on one opponent for too long. Did you see how Russet-tail switched back and forth swiftly between you?” Kinkpelt asked once they reached her.

“Yes,” both apprentices responded.

“Sometimes it may not work well enough, but it'll certainly give you a better chance at winning if you are outnumbered,” Russet-tail added. “Should we let them try, or should we show them again?” He looked at Kinkpelt for the answer, because she was more experienced than himself.

“I think we should let them try. Skypaw, you first. Is it okay if I sit and watch her myself, while you two still battle?” Kinkpelt wondered, wanting to evaluate her own apprentice. Russet-tail nodded, since he had caught his breath back.

The three cats moved back to the clearing. Skypaw knew that these two large toms were no match for her with regular practise and training, but she had Shadowstrike's new move also; the back kick. Skypaw nearly burst with excitement at the prospect of trying it out and surprising every cat. She thought back and memorized everything that she would have to consider; listening and watching over her shoulder, flinging away cats from her back paws and most importantly the back kick! Skypaw instantly dropped low into a crouch with her muscles tense and her ears flicking eagerly. The two toms circled her, and she wreathed side from side to watch both of them. She was prepared for when Russet-tail hurdled at her first, the warrior's weight easily dragged her onto the ground, but she rolled with him in the snow.

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