Chapter 8

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Chapter #8

“Brooksong, hurry!” Skypaw pleaded. Brooksong sighed deeply.

“Settle down! Preserve your energy; we still have to travel though Shadeclan's territory! It's hardly been a heartbeat since you found out and it still isn't sun- high!” Brooksong advised them.

“No kidding! I think you were less excited when you became an apprentice!” Fogpaw sat calmly at the entrance, and teased his sister.

Skypaw fluffed out her fur indignantly, “Well you've seen it before!”

“Here you go! The herbs help a lot; chamomile for strength, sorrel, and a few more for strength and to keep your hunger at bay. Well, you two can still hunt, but Fogpaw and I must not, since we will be speaking to Starclan,” Brooksong meowed importantly. Skypaw and Greypaw had already started to chew up the herbs placed in front of them.

“They taste foul!” Greypaw spat.

“I know,” Brooksong nodded. “We can leave as soon as you finish.” Skypaw gagged at the sour and bitter herbs, but eventually swallowed the last mouthful.

“Gross! Can we leave now?” Skypaw hoped, sitting up and licking her lips to get rid of the taste. She smacked Greypaw's shoulder softly, since he was still licking up the herbs, “Hurry up, slow- slug!” She heard a faint purr rumble in his chest at he finished the last leaves rapidly. Skypaw turned around on the spot, anxious and overly excited.

“Alright, you two! We can leave now,” Brooksong told them. As soon as she finished, Greypaw sprinted back out of the den, with Skypaw at his heels. “Hold on!” Brooksong's amused calls sounded behind them, so they stopped at the bramble tunnel. Fogpaw reached them first, with Brooksong only a bit behind. She waved her tail in a command to go, so all three apprentices barged out the tunnel.

“Watch out!” Briarshine snapped. Pounding down the slope, the young cats collided with an incoming patrol in their rush.

“We're sorry!” Skypaw apologized for each of them. The patrol was clearly led by Briarshine, but Mosspaw, Blossompaw and Hazelfall stood slightly behind her.

“Where are you going?” Mosspaw wondered curiously.

“The Moon Cave!” Skypaw burst out instantly. His jaw gaped open, while Blossompaw glowered at her. Skypaw wasn't going to let the cat's attitude bother her though.

“What? No fair! Tell us when you get back!” Mosspaw exclaimed. Greypaw nodded his head in a promise. The patrol padded past them to the long trail to camp.

“Have fun! May Starclan go with you!” Hazelfall called over her shoulder. She waved her tail in farewell. Brooksong appeared from behind them.

“Now, no more running into our patrols! And listen to me when I say something,” the delicate medicine cat ordered, flicking her tail. “Stay with me, to! Let's go.” Brooksong led the way through the snow, keeping a brisk pace. Skypaw easily kept up, since she was as tall as the older cat. Fogpaw was struggling, since he had stumpy legs. Skypaw noticed she was nearly as tall as Greypaw, purring with satisfaction. He was sturdier and more muscled than her, but she had long legs and a more lean frame.

“Need some help?” Skypaw offered gently to her brother.

“Nope!” Fogpaw puffed. “The snow thins out further ahead!” Fogpaw was correct; through the barren trees, Skypaw noticed that the snow did lower significantly. How did it thin? Skypaw wondered. It wasn't any different from the rest of the forest. As if he read her thoughts, Fogpaw meowed, “The sun is drawn to the rocks underneath, melting the snow.” Skypaw understood now, suddenly realizing they were almost at the border. Instead of taking a long, diagonal route to the border, they had walked directly to the start of the border. Skypaw supposed they would travel up their scent line as far they could until they had to cross through Shadeclan territory. Medicine cats were permitted to travel to the Moon Cave, unless the clan was especially prickly. Most of the time, Shadeclan didn't bother them. Only if their clan was weakened they would challenge the medicine cat. The rival clan was protective, but even they would not disobey the Warrior Code.

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