Chapter 3

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“Flamestar! Flamestar! Amberdawn!” Yowls erupted through the clearing. Skypaw had just finished a mouse, which she had shared with Mosspaw. She licked her lips as Stonefur, Briarshine, Blossompaw and Ivythorn came bursting through the Bramble tunnel. Flamestar came out of his den, while Amberdawn raced over from where she was sharing tongues with Brooksong.

“I wonder what happened. . .” Skypaw's voice trailed off. Mosspaw shrugged, but she could see he was just as curious as she was.

It had been a couple sunrises since the frosty hunting patrol. It was past sun- high, and she had gotten a tick out of Thrushcall and joined a border patrol. She studied the huddled cats until her heart skipped a beat when Flamestar jumped onto the Fallen Oak.

“Let all cats all enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Fallen Oak for a Clan meeting!” Flamestar yowled clearly. He was a large, orange tom, with dark green eyes. Most of the cats were already gathered, so he continued, “A patrol from Leafclan has crossed our border yet again. Our patrol fought over a piece of prey that they had seen them catch, but that is not enough! As you all know, they have been caught stealing our prey three times this moon. That is three times too many, so we will teach them a lesson they will not soon forget!” Cheers erupted through out the clearing and Skypaw joined in.

“When will we leave?” Stormclaw stood up and asked. Flamestar looked down at him.

“Very soon. Brooksong and Fogpaw will travel with us, hidden somewhere where they will help the wounded. Amberdawn will announce who will be on our battle patrol, so listen closely!” Flamestar answered. Skypaw was slightly worried that her brother was going to be there, but she dismissed the thought.

“Alright! Flamestar, myself, Mudfoot, Russet- tail, Sorrelflight, Kinkpelt, Flowerpelt, Stormclaw, Patchfur, Shadowpelt, Poppyflower, Windcloud and Stonefur! Also, I think two apprentices are ready for their first battle!” Amberdawn looked approvingly at her, then moved her gaze over to the other side of the crowd. Skypaw gasped with excitement. Mosspaw looked at her with eyes full of envy.

“You have to tell me everything that happens!” Mosspaw whispered anxiously. Skypaw nodded earnestly.

“Kinkpelt, Russet- tail, do you think that Skypaw and Greypaw are skilled enough to come?” Amberdawn searched for the mentors. On cue, they stood up and glanced at their apprentices. Kinkpelt's gaze fell on Skypaw's and nodded slightly.

“Skypaw is,” Kinkpelt confirmed. Skypaw bounced slightly with excitement. My first battle! Skypaw thought eagerly.

“So is Greypaw,” Russet- tail meowed shortly after.

“Then there it is! Vinetangle, you are in charge of the camp while we are away,” Amberdawn commented. Skypaw felt a warm body brush against hers. It was Pebblenose.

“Stay safe! Make sure you stay with another cat always,” Pebblenose fretted. The blueish she- cat circled her kit, full of worry.

“Don't worry, she'll be fine!” Her mentor padded over and assured her. “She's brilliant! I'm going to fight nearby her always, as Windcloud probably will to!” Kinkpelt continued in a lower voice, “I know Greypaw will keep her safe.” Kinkpelt glanced warmly at Skypaw, and Skypaw's fur grew hot in embarrassment. She studied her paws.

“Well, I guess, but anyway,” Pebblenose flicked her daughters ear, to bring her eyes upward. She licked her kit's forehead affectionately before mewing, “Now I have to go find Fogpaw!” Skypaw was ready to burst with happiness.

“I'm not worried,” Skypaw started.

“I know you're not. It's true, though, Greypaw will not let you out of sight!” Kinkpelt purred with amusement.

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