Chapter 21

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Chapter #21

“Cats of FrostClan, the time has come for the makings of a new warrior. She has proved her loyalty and bravery many times over.” Flamestar's voice was extra loud, to be heard over the rising storm. “Skypaw, step forward.” Skypaw stepped out from the front of the crowd with her chin and tail held high. Her eyes sparkled with happiness and her pelt had a healthy shine. She stood in front of her leader. She gazed confidently at the orange tom, so he continued. “I, Flamestar, leader of FrostClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to learn the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to a warrior in her turn.” The large tom turned to looked down at Skypaw. “Skypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this clan, even at the cost of your life?”

Skypaw took a deep breath before answered clearly, “I do.”

Flamestar blinked in encouragement, “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Skypaw, from this moment you shall be known as Skyheart. StarClan honours your enthusiasm and quick-thinking, and we welcome you as a full warrior of FrostClan.” Flamestar bent down and pressed his muzzle to the new warrior's head, and she licked his shoulder respectfully in return. Skyheart stepped back and faced the clan as they started to chant her name. She was bursting with joy, though she could not forget that Greystorm was not there to witness her most important ceremony. She was crowded with her clanmates, her family and friends, who meowed their congratulations. She was almost knocked off her paws by Mosspaw who yowled her name in her ear.

“Back off!” Skyheart butted his shoulder with her head playfully. She was overwhelmed by the chaos, but she kept happily greeting the cats surrounding her. At last, many cats started to move away, and she saw Swirl padding over. Before the elder could reach her, a small cat smashed into her side.

“You're a warrior!” Black-kit stood in front of Skyheart, staring up at her with wide, amber eyes. Skyheart purred and bent down until she was eye-level with the older kit.

“I know!” Skyheart exclaimed happily, licking his ear briefly. “Where's Hollyshine- don't tell me you've gone wandering off again!” Skyheart tipped her head to the side, questioning the mischievous young cat.

“She's, um, around?” he answered weakly, cringing.

“Well, you better go find her! Go on,” Skyheart nosed the black tom in the direction of the nursery. Black-kit nodded and bounded off. Skyheart continued over to Swirl, who was looking at her with amusement.

“I just wanted to congratulate you myself- for all the elders. I know Thrushcall isn't the . . . friendliest, but he enjoyed your company like we all did. You are going to make a fine warrior.” Swirl meowed kindly.

Skyheart bowed her head gratefully. “Thank-you.” Swirl nodded and turned back towards the elder's den. Skyheart padded back to Flamestar, who was sitting with Amberdawn at the entrance to camp. She knew that she would have to sit a silent vigil until dawn. “I'll start now.” Skypaw mewed calmly once she reached them.

“Very well. One of the senior warriors will relieve you in the morning,” Amberdawn agreed, looking at Flamestar for conformation. “I'll make sure that Hazelfall will make a new nest for you, to.” Skyheart nodded in appreciation. She slid passed the two cats and squeezed through the entrance. She sat at the entrance to camp, watching her clanmates as they finally headed to their nests. She stared at the medicine cat den mostly, worrying for Greystorm. It was a long, cold night, and it took all her concentration not to doze off. There was no way she was going to disobey strict codes on the night of her warrior ceremony.


Skyheart yawned and rolled over in her new, soft nest. It was a couple sunrises from her warrior ceremony, and she still was not familiar waking up under rock, no longer brambles. She yawned once more and sat up, shaking scraps of moss from her fur. Skyheart groomed her pelt quickly, and had a luxurious stretch.

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