Chapter 19

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Chapter #19

It was a dull dawn, as dark, snow-holding clouds littered the sky. The camp was full of faint shadows, and the camp was not stirring quite yet. Skypaw sat in one of the shadows near the entrance to camp, waiting for Amberdawn to start organizing patrols. The deputy was awake, but she was speaking with Flamestar beneath the Fallen Oak. The apprentice was also staring into the medicine cat den, watching for a movement inside telling her that Brooksong was awake. In a few moments, warriors started padding out of their den, followed by the apprentices.

“Skypaw!” Blossompaw spotted her even in the shadow's and bounded over quickly. “Do you want to go hunting?”

“Sure, but I was waiting for Brooksong to wake. Can we go after I check up on Greystorm?” Skypaw asked hopefully. Blossompaw followed her gaze to the medicine cat den, just as she detected a cat shifting around inside. “I'll be back soon.” Skypaw stood up as Blossompaw nodded in understanding. The apprentice loped across the clearing, splattering snow behind her in her haste. She desperately hoped that Greystorm would be awake and that she could talk to him. Skypaw wrinkled her nose at a stanch that was wafting from the medicine cat den, but she didn't know what it was. Skypaw called out as she reached the mouth of the den, “Brooksong!”

“Wait! Skypaw, stop!”Just as the apprentice took a step in the den and peered around, Fogpaw shoved her backwards out of the den. She was thrown off balance and slipped onto her side in the snow.

“What was that for, mouse-brain?” Skypaw spat, struggling to her paws and ruffling her snowy pelt. She loomed over her brother, who looked exhausted for a strange reason. His pelt was clumped, as if he had not groomed in a while. The apprentice's eyes were dull, but behind them, Skypaw could sense a type of pain. She narrowed her eyes as she finally noticed his fear-scent. “What's wrong?” Her eyes blazed with determination as she demanded sternly.

“Er, nothing. Just come back later, please?” Fogpaw pleaded calmly, though he was struggling to cover something. He shuffled his paws nervously

Skypaw stared into his eyes, searching for the answer. “Let me in, Fogpaw. You're a horrible liar.” She attempted to barge past him, which was fairly easy, since she had much more toned muscles from her warrior training. She sighed with relief as she knocked him aside and walked back to the entrance. She hissed with annoyance as she got no farther. Brooksong appeared in front of her, and she was looking equally as tired as her apprentice.

“Skypaw, back up, will you?” Brooksong asked gently, stepping forward as Skypaw obeyed.

“What's happening? Brooksong? Tell me!” Skypaw lashed her tail frustratedly, and snapped at the medicine cat.

“Calm down-” Fogpaw started from beside his sister. Skypaw turned to him.

“No, I won't! Not until you tell me what is going on! What is that smell? Just tell me!” Skypaw almost but wailed in her desperation. A feeling of dread crept into her, as she knew it must have something to do with Greystorm.

“Okay, okay, sit down.” Brooksong murmured comfortingly. The medicine cat brushed her tail along the apprentice's flank softly, which made Skypaw sit down in cooperation. Skypaw became impatient when Brooksong seemed to think of the right thing to say, which took a moment. “Skypaw, I'm sorry, but Greystorm has Greencough.” Skypaw's jaw dropped open with shock. Greencough was a deadly sickness to young kits and elders, but Skypaw knew Greystorm was already weakened by the near-drowning.

“I just saw him yesterday! He can't,” Skypaw meowed in a hoarse voice. Her eyes were pleading, but Brooksong stared back blankly. Skypaw continued in rage, “You told me he would be okay!” Skypaw stood up and flexed her claws in and out. She stopped suddenly and looked frighteningly at the medicine cat. “He will, won't he?” She whimpered.

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