Chapter 22

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Chapter #22

The ivy tendrils draped down her back as Skyheart waited at the entrance to the medicine cat den. The stench of sickness had almost completely disappeared. Fogpaw pushed her farther away as he left.

“Calm down, you can see him later-,” Fogpaw started to say with an annoyed tone.

He was interrupted by Flamestar calling an unexpected clan meeting, “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath the Fallen Oak for a clan meeting!” At his words, cats started to leave their dens and huddle in a large group in front of him. Skyheart shrugged at he brother and went to join the clan. She sat near the side, in between the warriors and apprentices. She waited to hear what Flamestar had to say. She heard excited squeaks from the nursey, and stood taller to see what was happening. When she saw Black-kit, Snowkit and Ravenkit looking well groomed and overly excited, that they were having their apprentice ceremonies! Skyheart felt pleased.

“Calm down, or do you want me to tell Flamestar to wait another moon?” Skyheart heard Hollyshine sigh heavily. Even though her kits were hard to handle, she loved them more than anything. At their mother's stern tone, they settled down and quieted.

“These kits have reached their sixth moon and are ready to become apprentices,” Flamestar continued. He leaped down from the Fallen Oak and beckoned the first kit over, “Snowkit.” The black and white kit departed from her mother and walked over to the clan leader, looking joyful but relaxed at the same time. Her bright and glowing eyes gave away how excited she really felt! Flamestar started the first ceremony, “Snowkit, you have reche the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Snowpaw. Your mentor will be Stormclaw. I hope Stormclaw passes all he knows down to you.” Snowpaw seemed pleased with her the choice. Flamestar turned his attention to the new mentor and signalled him forward with his tail. The powerful smokey tom walked proudly over to the leader.

Stormclaw murmured his thanks as he reached Flamestar.

“Stormclaw, you are ready to take on another apprentice. You have received excellent training from Mudfoot, and you have shown yourself to be patient and an excellent fighter. You will be mentor to Snowpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her.” Stormclaw dipped his head in a silent promise and turned to Snowpaw. He bent down to touch his nose to hers, as she had to stretch up on short legs. The clan would cheer her name when the other littermates had received their apprentice names. She stepped back with Stormclaw to the fornt of the crowd.

Flamestar called forward Ravenkit. Ravenkit walked up with composure. They went through the same process, but her mentor was Ivythorn. Finally, Black-kit was beckoned forward.

Skyheart watched in happiness as he padded up to the mighty leader and didn't fidget once. He stood tall and proud as Flamestar gave him his new name. Then chose his mentor. Skyheart was exceptionaly pleased that Stonefur was chosen. He would be an excellent mentor. She feared he might be a little short on patience for the bold kit, but maybe that was what Blackpaw needed. Finally all three ceremonies were finished and the clan cheered for the new apprentices.

“Snowpaw! Ravenpaw! Blackpaw!” Skyheart joined in, and went to congratulate them Blackpaw spotted her first, and broke away from Stonefur. Skyheart bent down and touched noses with him.

“See? I told you you would be an apprentice before you knew it!” Skyheart purred, pressing her nose to the kits forehead. “Now, I want you to promise me you'll do everything Stonefur tells you.” Skyheart looked at the apprentice evenly.

“I will, I promise,” Blackpaw meowed earnestly. Skyheart nodded, pleased with his serious answer.

“Good. Alright, now you better go find him. I don't want Stonefur to lose his apprentice on the first day,” Skyheart nudged the kit, over to where she saw the grey pelt of his mentor's. Blackpaw nodded happily and bounded away, spraying Skyheart with snow as he went. She sighed, but was amused, as she shook her pelt to rid the slush.She turned around, noticing Sorrelflight and a couple other she-cats a tail-length away. She turned to look over her shoulder at the medicine cat den, wanting to finish talking to her brother. She whipped around and stopped, frozen for a couple heartbeats. Her jaw dropped open at the view; Greystorm was outside in the snow, laying down on his stomach with Fogpaw right beside him. He looked healthy, as he was no longer sick with Greencough. He had already seen her, and was just watching her through his wide, amber eyes. His head was on his paws and his tail was curled along his side. Skyheart took a couple tentative steps forward and whispered under her breath, “Greystorm!” She caught the attention of the clanmates beside her, ad they followed her gaze. They looked back at her warmly, and maybe with a bit of amusement. Skyheart started into a sprint and reached him in only a few bounds. She threw herself down beside him and pressed her nose to his cheek.

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