"Alright!" Georgia nods her head, turning out of the parking lot. "Is your brother home Bec?"

"No," Becky replies, "Thank God."

"Damn it!" Georgia sighs. I can't help the giggle that escapes my mouth at Becky's expression. She hates it when we bring up her brother, the thought of one of her friends having relations with him disgusting her, and so, naturally we tease her about it.

"Georgia!" Becky exclaims, playfully scowling.

"I can't help it." Georgia shrugs, "Your brother is hot."

"Gross." Becky snorts in disgust.

As Georgia drives through town the girls continue their chatter, moving on to the topic of Summer. I gaze out the window as the streets fly by, silently listening, my thoughts drifting away every so often.

I am looking forward to the rest of the Summer. Becky, Zara and Georgia all have holidays planned with their families. Unfortunately Elle and I can't afford it this year, what with my driving test taking so long, the lessons eating into my college fund like it was a starved dog.

Hopefully we'll be able to go away next year instead. We've always said that we want to go up to Alaska for a week, up in the Winter months, curling up in a cabin and sitting in front of a log fire. One day we'll make it there, I just know it.

My Summer is going to consist of working in the diner. However, whenever Becky, Georgia and Zara are around I know that we'll spend as much time as possible together, having days around Becky's pool, days shopping at the mall, days at the beach.

Summer always brings happy memories, the ones that you'll cherish forever. The time off school provides you with the freedom each day to do what you want, earn what you want. It's bliss.

Georgia pulls into Becky's drive and parks up, all of us sliding out of the car and making our way into Becky's familiar three story house.

Spending the majority of our free time at the Gordon family mansion, we've become comfortable, knowing it almost as well as our own homes, entering it freely without a care in the world. Two weeks back we'd walked in to see Haydon sporting a towel and nothing more, our eyes widening, Zara squealing, Georgia's mouth falling open. He'd merely sent us a smirk before walking off like nothing had happened, Becky rolling her eyes. There truly are perks to being friends with Becky Gordon.

"Make yourself at home!" Becky exclaims, "I'll get the popcorn."

"You spoil us Becky!" Zara calls after her as we make our way into their large living room.

"I know!" She calls from the kitchen as Georgia plops herself onto the couch. Becky takes no time at all, flying back into the living room with two large bowls of popcorn. She hands one to me and I grin gratefully, Georgia reaching in immediately and taking a handful.

"I vote for Mean Girls." Georgia exclaims.

"Good choice." Zara grins, nodding.

"Yeah. Sure!" I agree and Becky nods, grabbing hold of the remote and pointing it at the TV.


The loud, harsh ringing of a phone shocks me awake and I shoot upright, cursing whichever girl has phone calls at this time of night. I mean really, who the hell calls someone after midnight? Let a girl sleep.

Groaning, I look around for the culprit phone, my eyes widening as I realize it's mine, grabbing it swiftly and answering, desperate for it to stop ringing. Glancing back around I am relieved to see all the girls still asleep, none of them having moved. I wish I could sleep that deeply.

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