"Elle stop!"

"Get out." She says lowly, her voice full of anger.

"You can't do this!" I snap as she throws me the bag.

"Watch me!" She yells, grabbing hold of my arm and shoving me towards the front door.

"Elle!" I shout back as she opens it, shoving me out as hard as she can. I stumble, turning back just as she slams the door in my face, "Elle, no!"


My sister actually just threw me out, she literally hurled me out onto the streets. Where the hell do I go from here? I pull the bag onto my shoulder and wipe the tears that have already gathered on my cheeks.  How dare she, who does she think she is? Making my way towards the exit, I push the door open and walk out into the hot, humid day.

Without overthinking anything I start down the road, desperate to get away from Elle and Patrick. Am I overreacting? Don't get me wrong I know the argument got blown way out of proportion, that's what siblings do! But she threw me out... was I in the wrong? Where should I have stopped?

No. I stand by everything I said. You don't overrule how your sister feels and move your boyfriend in if she isn't comfortable with it. A conversation asking me if I was okay before she did it would have been enough for me, but I didn't even get that. Did I not deserve that?

Coming to the end of the road I stop, sighing as I look up and down, trying to decide which way to go. Zara is out of town this weekend, away with her parents. Georgia has turned her phone off, trying to detox and Becky is away with her family at a 'log cabin' in the middle of nowhere.

Pulling out my phone I stare at it, wondering who else I can call. I have no-one, literally no-one else, unless I want to go to the diner. Hesitantly I scroll through the contacts before stopping, my finger hovering over his name. Do I?

Without a second thought I click the name, raising the phone to my ear as it rings, my heart speeding up as I bite my lip in anticipation. Eventually the voicemail sounds out, Brett's calming voice introducing himself before I hang up, cursing. He's busy.

Of course he's busy Savannah... what do you think, he sits around and waits for you to need him? Idiot. I really need to forget about him and delete his digits from my phone, he isn't even my friend. I have no idea why I even ended up saving his number, was I hoping for something like this to happen? What am I doing even ringing him? There is nothing between us, not even a friendship.

I begin to trudge down the road, keeping my head down as I walk past the houses. I can't quite believe what just happened, my mind replaying the argument over and over in my head. My sister just threw me out, my only family, literally, the only proper relative I have left in the world. I'm supposed to be last remaining family she has. Well I was anyway...

I kick a stone on the road in front of me, no idea where I'm heading but as long as it's away from here then I'm happy. I just need to put as much distance between my heartless sister and I as possible.

Maybe I can go to the motel on the edge of town. I know for a fact that the rooms are cheap and it's not like I can afford anything else. I would love to pay for the Grand Atlantis Hotel and Spa right in the center of town but it's not meant to be, one night would drain my entire account and put me in debt. With a sigh I turn down the next road in the direction of the old motel, giving myself a mental pep talk. This is going to be fine, I'm sure the rumors of rats in the bedrooms are all false.

Suddenly my phone springs to life, ringing loudly and I quickly pull it out, desperate to see 'Elle' displayed on the screen. I stop as soon as I register the name, my eyes widening in surprise.

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