He's such a gentleman. He's attractive too, his blond hair complimenting his brown eyes, his tanned skin giving the illusion that he's been on holiday recently but I know from the delightful rumor mill that it's because of his Spanish ancestry. Why can't I fall for someone like him? Sure, I know that he hasn't had a long term relationship either, but I hear he lasted six months with Aimee Fields, and that's longer than most of Brett's friends have ever done. He is way better boyfriend material than Brett.

Not that I would ever want Brett Winters to be my boyfriend.

Ben hands a cup to me and I smile in gratitude before taking a step back and out of the way as Georgia waits for hers. Taking a sip I look around the room, my eyes falling on Brett as he leans against the door frame. He spots me instantly, furrowing his eyebrows and pushing himself forward, striding towards me as I tear my eyes away.

He's coming over here Savannah! Pull yourself together. He's probably only coming over to talk with Ben, it's not like he wants to speak to you. Why would he?

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by someone grabbing hold of my arm, looking up, shocked to see Brett gazing at me, his jaw tight.

"What are you doing here?" He asks as he pulls me to the side. Is he serious?

"I'm a cheerleader. Did you forget?" I shrug, impressed with how blasé I sound.

"No." He replies, looking stressed as he reaches up and runs a hand through his hair.

"If you'll excuse me..." I begin.

"I think we should talk." He cuts me off, taking a step closer and grabbing my arm. I look down and he quickly lets go, taking a step back.

"Baby, there you are." Ashley's voice rings out as she appears behind Brett.

"There's nothing to talk about." I respond, my voice low. I swear I see regret or sadness quickly flash through his eyes, before his expression morphs into neutrality.

"Talk?" Ashley's voice cuts through the air as she curls into Brett's side. I take my eyes off Brett and glance towards her as she smirks at me, her blonde hair curled perfectly, her lips covered in a perfect sheen of gloss. Her cheerleading outfit has been replaced by a white mini dress, her black bra clearly visible through the fabric. An interesting outfit choice.

"Why are you trying to talk to him?" She straightens up, looking down on me as she raises her eyebrows. "That's so sweet. Let's go Brett." She finishes, shooting me a triumphant look before walking off, Brett keeping his eyes fixed on me but I shake my head as he opens his mouth. What does he possibly have to say to me? "Brett!" She calls once more and I raise my cup to my lips, taking a drink as he continues to watch me, feeling my stomach flutter slightly at the thought of him ignoring his girlfriend for me.

Pull yourself together Sav! 

"Run along Brett." I smirk, "She's waiting."

"Sav!" I hear Becky call from behind, Brett finally looking away, turning and walking off towards Ashley. I shake my head, lifting the alcohol cup to my lips and downing the contents before I walk back towards the girls.

"What's up?" I smile, noticing that Ellis has pulled a few other guys over to join us.

"Beer pong!" Becky announces, grabbing a hold of my arm and dragging me towards the table. "You're on my team!"

"Alright!" Ellis grins as he sees me, "Liam you're with me!" He gestures to the dark haired boy beside him, "Ready to get your ass beat?"

"I think that will be you." I retort and he grins.

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