Chapter 4: The Bridge

Start from the beginning

Colby: What if I prove to you that I'm not a player? Then will you go out with me?

Jen: Fine. Go a month without kissing another girl besides me.

Colby: Easy.

Jen: We'll see how easy it is.

Colby leaned down and kissed you again. Yet again, you two made out, only stopping for air.

Colby: It's 2 in the morning.

Jen: Okay I'll crash on the couch you'll take my bed.

Colby: Sounds good.

*Colby's POV*

As soon as she lays down on the couch, she's asleep. I went in her room and tried to sleep, I couldn't bear the thought of her staying on the rock hard couch. I picked her up carefully and carried her to her bed. I laid her on her side, and I got behind her and wrapped my arms and legs around her. I fell asleep instantly. I woke up to my alarm. I woke Jen up.

Jen: Colby, care to explain why I'm in my bed, when I fell asleep on the couch.

Colby: Please don't get mad, I got lonely.

Jen: I need to get ready, let me get up.

Colby: Why?

Jen: Why what?

Colby: Do you wear make up? It's a long process and you have to be careful with your face.

Jen: You don't want to see the spitting image of Satan all day do you?

Colby: You're beautiful with or without make up.

Jen: Let me go.

Colby: No, you're not wearing make up today.

Jen: Fine, you made me do it.

What was she talking about? Then she rolled off the bed, bringing me with her.

Colby: Great job, we're both on the floor now.

Jen: No shit Sherlock.

A few seconds had passed and her face turned confused, then she looked at her arm and there was a big gash on it.

Colby: Are you okay?

Jen: Yeah, I just hit my arm.

She got up and walked in the kitchen. I got up and followed her. She opened a cabinet and reached for the first aid kit, but she couldn't reach it.

Jen: Colby, please help me.

I went over and easily grabbed it. She wasn't short really, she was actually the tallest girlfriend I've ever had.

Jen: Show off.

Wait, I just called Jennings my girlfriend. Just yesterday, I was calling her a lesbian. Wow. I never saw this coming. Her arm was bleeding, a lot.

Colby: We need to go to the hospital, it's bleeding too much.

Jen: No, I'll be fine Colby. I promise.

Colby: Well hurry up, we got to get to school.

Jen: You spent a night with me, aren't you done with me? Just like you are with all the other girls.

Colby: Is that really what you think of me?

She walked passed me, shoving my shoulder and then, she changed quickly into a blue and white striped long sleeve shirt and jeans, and the bus was there soon enough. When we got to school everyone was gossiping about how Jennings and I were together. We walked to class together. Everything went by smoothly, I told her to meet me by the bus after school, because she said she forgot her jacket in her locker a couple days ago and went to get it. For some reason, I had a bad feeling, so I followed behind her, but I would stay back so she didn't see me. I was around the corner. I heard Taylor? Brennen Taylor? Captain of the football team?

Brennen: Hey Jennings, Reed sent me. How's your new boy-toy? He's not here to protect you this time. First a bridge. Now cutting? You really want to die don't you? I'll make that easier for you.

I heard a big bang against the lockers. I came out from behind the corner to see Jen getting kicked in the stomach by Brennen, then coughing up blood, then her body went still. I ran towards them I pushed Brennen out of the way and checked her pulse, it was weak, but still there. I called 911 and they said they were on their way.

Brennen: Quit acting like she's actually worth something.

I couldn't control it anymore. I slammed Brennen against the lockers.

Colby: Listen here dick. The only reason Jen was at that bridge was because Reed and Anna were sneaking around while she felt bad because I kissed her. I saved her from jumping. You wanna know what Reed said before he left, he said she should've jumped. She wasn't cutting, she hit her arm and it cut it. Now you feel like a real asshole huh?

Brennen: I'm sorry, I didn't know, Reed said-

Colby: I don't care what Reed said, and you owe that apology to her, and you'll give it to her when she wakes up. If she doesn't wake up, you'll have plenty of time behind bars living out your life sentence to think what you would've said to her.

The ambulance showed up and hurried her back to a room in the hospital when we got there. I sat in the waiting room and I heard a flat-line and people yelling "Code Blue". It was coming from her room.

Bullied By Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now