Fulgurite (Chapter 22)

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Here you are, Chapter 22! Enjoy!

Nico POV:

I had only heard a few words from Y/N before we crashed.

After that we were rolling down a sandy hill, sand flying everywhere throughout the car. At one point, gravity had let me loose and then smashed me down, hitting my head on the driver's headrest.

My first thought was to look around, but I couldn't move any part of my body, all of me was being controlled by the same force spinning the car down the hill.

Everything felt in slow motion, but at the same time, it was over in what seemed like an instant.

When the cab finally crashed to a stop at the bottom of the hill, my head fell right to the sand through the broken passenger window. I could see the ocean not too far away, but I had no idea where I was.

Slowly, lifted my head, and as I did I could feel the warm, fresh blood trickle down my back from the back of my head. I looked and saw Y/N, it looked like her seatbelt had failed her, because she was slumped over in between the back of the passenger seat, her own and the middle console, copper and loose metal wires hung all around her head.

She had a wide gash on her lip and her nose seemed to be broken, worst of all, it looked as though she had a few broken ribs.

But the fact that she was glowing with a yellowish light was what really worried me. The light grew brighter, how odd, she looked like some sort of energy source.

As soon as I thought it, I understood, and as quickly as I could, I grabbed Jayden and yanked him out of the cab and ducked into the shadow of the car before Y/N's light became too bright.

I shadow-traveled away just in time.

A huge crack of white-hot lightning issued from the cab, once, twice, then three times. Each one hit the sand, like a crack of Zeus' fist, sending the sand flying up in every direction.

Before long I saw a figure, surrounded by shifting currents of electricity, crawling from the door of the cab.

She collapsed.

I recognized the figure as Y/N before the electricity around her gave a crack and the sand, surrounded her with sharp, threatening-looking shards of dark glass and sent a pulse through the ground all the way to the ocean, creating a giant tower of sand, frozen in it's upward ascension.


I only felt half-conscious. I could hear what was going on, the crashes of the rolling car, but I couldn't open my eyes, everything seemed to hurt too much.

My ribs burned and I could feel every muscle in my body as if each one had its own heart beat, I didn't want to move, I just wanted to stay so still, still enough to where the pain might just fade and disappear.

But it didn't.

'Then we'll make it stop' I said to myself. No matter what I was going to lift my body, I was going to get up. I had more important things to do.

I tried to move again, and this time, I felt it getting easier.

Finally, I opened my eyes just enough and I saw Nico running, and a shadow. I moved to crawl after them, but all I could see was Yellow and white. Bright white.

The next thing I knew I was lying on the sand breathing deeply, nothing hurt anymore. I started to sit up to find where Nico had gone off to.

Not too far away from me was the cabbie driver, he wasn't moving and I could barely see him through some sort of frozen sand and glass.

I started to crawl forward, then noticed that I was surrounded by the same frozen sands and glass.

Only it wasn't frozen at all, it was Fulgurite.

It came together. I continued to crawl towards the cabbie driver's body.

Daughter of Zeus, glass, solid, standing sand. It must have been me who did this. And if that was the case, that means I produced... lightning.

But if that were true then...

I crawled faster, over the sand and glass.

Please don't let it be true...

I made it up to the cabbie driver, he was covered in cuts and the sand and glass seemed to have narrowly missed every part of his body, but he was cut badly in some places.

'He's NOT dead' I told myself.

He wasn't dead. I tried to pull him up. No use. He had to get up.Had to tell us what we hit. Had to still be alive.

I heard an echo at a distance, but when I turned, Nico was right in front of me. I couldn't make out what he was saying but he went over and pull the other half of the driver up and motioned me to do the same.

Together we pulled him out safely. Nico helped the driver stand while I sat in the sand, slowly, I could hear everything clearly again.

Nico's POV

"Y/N!" I shouted for the third time.

"I can hear you now, I'm fine."

"I know you are now, but you weren't before. I saw you before you... shocked everything, your nose, and your ribs looked broken, now all you have is that cut on your lip and it doesn't even look that bad anymore. I think you have healing powers Y/N"

She ignored me "How far are we from Camp Jupiter? From help?"

She came and took the other arm of the driver.

"We're almost there. The demigods at Camp Jupiter can take care of him once we get there." I tried to reassure her. But it didn't seem to matter. She had that look on her face, the I'll-take-care-of-it-later face.

"That- that would be nice" stammered the cabbie driver.

I jumped a little and Y/N's head jerked faster than her lightning and yelped, "Your alive!"

"I would hope so," he said with a wince of pain.

Y/N looked relieved, but still had a worried stride to her step as I tried to keep up, Jayden wasn't doing much better either, he was limping.


We made it to the gate of Camp Jupiter exhausted and beaten. But none as much as Y/N and the cabbie driver.

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