Premonition? (Chapter 17)

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I had fallen asleep, but it was not an ordinary sleep, I've been getting that a lot lately, must be a demigod thing. My dream was even farther from ordinary.

I was back at my old school and the cafeteria was completely destroyed. 'This must have been the day we were attacked by Dylan!' I thought.

Everything was in slow motion, the people running from the one eyed monster standing in the middle of their lunchroom, as the scene moved on I saw dozens of people standing outside the room looking rather confused. Now the scene started to speed up showing clearly the wave of uncertainty, in an almost amnesia like manner, as if an unseen force had swiped away their recollection of what had happened. Like a mist it fogged their subconscious and once it was gone, it left them as they were before the incident.

The scene again shifted, this time I saw Chiron conferring with Mr. D.

"What do you make of what happened at the school?'' Mr. D began as he reached slowly forward for his diet coke.

"I believe Nico performed well in retrieving the four half bloods, and bringing them safely to camp." Chiron acknowledged, calmly sitting by the window sill peering out into the fresh sunny day.

"And the mist, haven't you heard the talk?" Mr.D set his empty can on the table and comfortably reclined back into his seat. "They say Ophiuchus' constellation has been shining especially bright as of late, they think it's beginning to affect the mist, only concerning the mortals experiencing more of the things they would pin to the supernatural." He raised his eyebrows in a high arch and snickered at the thought.

Then there was a flash of anger in Chiron's eyes and the scene shifted again, but this time it was Nico, Jayden and I in the cab, we stopped and I jumped out, slamming the door in Jayden's face, i stood by the cab driver as the nervous and sweaty policeman pointed his gun at us, and speaking in Italian he said "You... You are the black cab I heard about on the intercom, the ghost cab, s-so fast only a few caught glimpses of it"" He said as he stumbled over his words.

Then I spoke not in English, but Italian, 'How did I know Italian?', "Do you really believe everything you hear on that thing" I said nodding towards his car, towards the noise of a buzzing walkie-talkie. "Why get us caught up in a stupid prank they are playing on you, they probably figured there would be no such thing as a black and yellow cabbie, most likely thought you would believe it when they gave it the name 'ghost cab', and how many people that weren't policemen actually saw this 'ghost cab'?" I said seeming to make him even more nervous and hesitant.

His gun was still raised at us and he looked like he was contemplating the idea, and that was enough for me so I whipped the gun right out of his hand and it hit him right on the head, but not with the gun, it was as if I had electrified him.

The cab driver and I both hoisted him up into his car, he was rather skinny so it wasn't much weight, he looked only as if he'd fallen asleep in his car on duty.

We both came back into the car, me climbing back over Jayden to my seat. The cab driver sat for a minute in silence, then proceeded to say, "Whatever that was, it'll be at least three drachma extra". I nodded slightly and we were off again

It made sense, with the Dylan attack I had seen everyone lose their memory of the incident, but only after it was over. Now I knocked the policeman out and I was sure by the time he woke up he wouldn't remember a thing. It must have been what Mr. D had mentioned in my dream, the  "mist". Then I woke up with a start, opening my eyes but unmoving.

I shot my head up and looked over where Jayden sat and simultaneously opened and stepped out the door along with the cab driver.

Everything happened exactly how it had in my dream.

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