War Counsel (Chapter 13)

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Thank you to everyone for 1.6k reads!! I REALLY appreciate it!! My updates this year (especially the months I am in school) might be a little scattered but i will do the best i can to get them published as soon as possible!

Nico's POV

I didn't know what to say to this whole situation. First I find Y/N on the bleachers looking like she was dying then the next thing I know there's a big glowing constellation in the sky. And to make matters even worse (who knew that was possible) Artemis shows up and suddenly starts giving orders. Don't get me wrong i was all for joining up with the Romans, but i was a little angry with Artemis for a while and i'm certain she could tell.

"Artemis, I saw the same constellation in my dream" Y/N explained

"Well my dear you must tell me the whole of it" Artemis insisted as she wrapped her arm around Y/N's arm and pulled her away towards the big house, Chiron following.

I didn't know how long they would take to talk it over so i just waited outside the big house. After about fifteen minutes they all came out and i stood up.

"Thank you Y/N, you may go back to your evening activities, we will plan a special camp meeting at the fireplace tonight" Chiron said

I saw Y/N walk down the stairs and jogged to catch up with her as she started to walk off.

"Y/N" i called after her

She turned around "Oh hey Nico, you weren't waiting here the whole time were you?" she asked

I scratched my head "I was, but you guys didn't take that long" I explained "So what did they say? Anything important?" i asked quickly

She started to walk on, as i followed beside her "Not really. All they said after i explained my dream was that I should be careful and come to them immediately if i had any more nightmares. And they also explained the whole thing about Ophiuchus, they said he was known by the Greeks as the healer Asclepius".

"Jason has met him before!" i exclaimed

"Really? When?"

"On a quest about a year ago. When the seven plus me brought the Athena Parthenos to camp" I explained

"I thought this Asclepius guy was evil" She said looking a little confused

"Not the way Jason described him. He even said Asclepius was the one who gave him his glasses"

"Well isn't it weird that he's now taken over the sky or something?" she asked

"I'm not sure what's going on to be honest, but I know it's not good. We'll have to see after the camp meeting"

"Who get's to go?"

"Chiron is going to explain to everyone what's happening at the bonfire tonight. Then all the camps head counselors will go to the rec room in the big house and have a war counsel" I explained

"I guess Jason will be going then?" she asked

"Yes. So am I so I'll fill you in afterwards"

"Sounds good, but what do we do right now? Do we just continue with activities or what? "

I was about to ask if she wanted to come to the sword arena for now, but i was stopped by Kylie and Dean, and to my surprise and delight Jayden was not with them.

"Y/N! What happened to you we heard you were in the infirmary" Kylie exclaimed

"It was nothing i just had a weird dream and woke up not feeling too good" Y/N said with a slight smile

"So what's going on with the sky and everything?" Dean asked

"Some guy named Ophiuchus or Asclepius, who was originally a constellation, has a human form again, so that's why the his constellation is glowing"

"What did Artemis say about it?"

"She told us we were going to have to join together to get him back into the sky" Y/N explained

"I see" Dean replied

"I'm not really sure what to do now, but Chiron said we should continue with our activities, and Nico and I didn't really get to have sword practice so i figured this might be a good time to practice. Since we might be going into battle and everything"

"Can we come with you?" Kylie asked

"Sure. But I'm not sure Nico wants to go" Y/N said

"I'm fine with it I think it's a great idea to practice." I said quickly

"Then let's go" Y/N said starting to walk towards the Arena

Love is No Game (Nico Di Angelo x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن