Constellation (Chapter 12)

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This chapter is way over due, you guys have waited long enough. So here it is! P.S. THANKS SO MUCH FOR 1K READS!


When you woke up in the morning you discovered that Jason was gone (probably already at the dining pavilion) and if you didn't hurry you would be late for breakfast. So you jumped out of bed got dressed and ready then rushed out the door.


When you arrived at the dining pavilion and got your breakfast you ran over to check on Kylie to make sure she was ok.

"Hey Kylie!" you yelled as you ran over; a plate full of food in your arm.

Kylie turned around "Hey!" she yelled back, a smile on her face

"You still doing ok?" you asked when you got over to her

"Like i told you, i'm fine. I promise" she answered, her smile unfading

After breakfast with Jason you left to go train with Nico. He was going to show you some new sword strikes and moves today!

You arrived at the sword arena and pulled out your sword, funnily enough, Nico wasn't there.

You figured he was just late so you sat down on the bleachers and waited.

'Everything's all mixed up' You thought 'Jayden showed his true colors, we almost lost Kylie, and i have no way of knowing what she's thinking to see if she's truly alright, and Dean, i don't even know what he might be thinking. We've been friends for so long and something so simple as Jayden having a crush on me has basically stretched us apart. The there's Nico I've only known him for so long, but it really feels like he's almost as close to me as Kylie, Dean, or Jayden. And he might just be the strangest person ever, most the time he looks depressed and weak but when he stands up for something, he's easily the strongest person i know.' You lay back on the bleachers and slowly drift off into sleep.

In your dream you were standing in front of a mirror... but it wasn't a mirror it had a pattern that almost looked like a constellation but you weren't really into astronomy so you didn't know which one it was... you lifted your hand to touch the glass and to your surprise it went right through. 'weird' you thought.

You continued to step into it and when you opened your eyes you saw a huge circular corridor, it almost looked like you were inside of a cylinder, except it stretched out farther than your eyes could see.

All around it looked like the whole thing was made of dark pink cracked clay. You thought your feet would squish in but it was solid when you went to step on it

You walked farther down the weird circular corridor, came around a small bend and stopped suddenly, your eyes widening from terror and surprise.

There you saw a humongous snake-like creature, which, curiously enough, appeared to be part snake part mechanical.

The upper part of its body was covered in a series of massive dark scales, which had prominent holes on it's sides, starting as larger, with squared outer edges, getting more narrow near their centers and then enlarging again.

The upper part of the head and the jaw of the creature were similarly colored, with the reptile like pupil-less eyes, a pair of massive fangs sprouting from the jaw, thin nostrils on the front part of its nose and a series of dark patterns on its forehead, just above it's eyes.

The lower part of it's body, on the other hand, is visibly mechanical, its upper scales, instead of meat, appear to have metal panels lined up closely , something which makes them resemble closed blinds; its lower jaw, was topped by a forked tongue, just like a snake's but was entirely made of metal, replicating the form of a real jaw, with its edges covered in lines of bolts.

You quickly turned to hide on the bend that you had come from before it's reptilian eyes turned to see you.

But quicker than you would have thought possible, the snake was there looking straight into your eyes. You felt like someone had stabbed you right in the stomach and you tasted a foul taste in your mouth before...

"Y/N!!!!!!!!!" you sat straight up and fell right off the bleachers heading for the ground, you fell right into someone's arms.

You opened your eyes to see that it was Nico, despite his blurry figure you knew it was him. You could feel yourself sweating. You blinked a couple of times until your vision was back to normal.

"Your... late" was all you managed to get out.

His face was full of concern but a small smile managed to creep up on his face then vanished as quickly as it came "Thank the gods you're ok" he said with a deep breath.

"I think you can put me down now" you said

He did as you requested and set you down but as soon as he did you wobbled and almost fell over again.

"Y/N" he yelped and caught you again

"Never mind" you said

"I'm going to bring to the infirmary" he said and picked your feet up off the ground so that he was carrying you.

"Good idea" you agreed

When you got to the infirmary, it was empty, only Will was there sitting on a chair reading.

As he saw you he jumped up and rushed over like he knew exactly what to do as soon as he looked at you.

"Set her down on a cot" he said quickly and raced over to get some ambrosia.

He came over to your cot " What happened to you he asked handing you the ambrosia

"I just fell asleep and had a weird dream" you said

"Dreams for demigods aren't the same as dreams for mortals, they usually connect to a prophecy or a real life event" Will explained

"What? Really?"

"Yes, do you think you could tell me what it was about?" he asked

"Yeah" you continued to tell them about your dream and once you were finished the room was silent

"Do you remember what the constellation looked like?" Will asked

"I'm sorry no" you said trying to remember

"We would need Artemis even if she did remember" Nico put in

"Right" Will said " You're free to go, but you should talk to Chiron about your dream, Ok?"

"I will. Thanks" you said with a small smile

You proceeded to walk outside with Nico and stopped right in front of the infirmary entrance.

Everyone was outside, weapons drawn, looking straight up at the sky.

You looked up and gasped, the sky was a dark green and purple color and traced in styriking glowing lines was the same constellation you had seen on the mirror , except now you could make out exactly what it was.

It was the constellation of a man holding a serpent; his body dividing the large snake into two parts. It was the constellation of Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer.

"Yes Y'N that is indeed Ophiuchus" you turned to see that it was Artemis with all of her hunters at her side.

"Lady Artemis" you said in surprise

Chiron trotted towards the two of you, he didn't say anything

"I came straight here when the skies turned dark. Ophiuchus is not just a constellation anymore, he has found a way to take the human form again" she explained

"How?" You asked

"That i do not know, but camp half-blood and camp Jupiter will have to join together once again to send him back into the stars".

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