Friends (Chapter 6)

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Kylie's POV

When i woke up in the Hermes cabin everyone was already starting to get ready for breakfast. Except me.

"Come on Kylie we don't have all morning, we need to get to breakfast on time" Dean says angrily

I groaned "Fine"

I got up and got dressed in a camp half-blood t-shirt and jeans. I went into the bathroom, fixed my hair, and left. Right outside to escape the crowded cabin of unclaimed and Hermes kids.

I waited for about ten minutes until Dean, Jayden, and all the other campers came out lead by Travis and Connor Stoll.

"About time" I said "And you were yelling at me to hurry up" I smirked and walked with the group towards breakfast.

When we got to the dining pavilion, got breakfast and did the food ritual thing i spotted Y/n with her new brother Jason.

"Hey Y/n" I said As I walked up to them.

"Oh, Hey Kylie" she says smiling at me "So? how did you sleep in the over crowded Hermes cabin?" she asked

"Horrible. And they woke me up early too" I said fake pouting. We both laugh. Obviously Dean and Jayden had followed me over because they both came running over not a few seconds afterwards.

Dean tackled Y/n in a hug "Hi Dean, good to see your happy" she said laughing

"Glad you noticed" He said grinning

"Hey i'm here too" Jayden points out "Don't i get a hug too?" he opens his arms wide

"Sure, why not? Who else wants a hug while i'm at it?" she says hugging Jayden

We all laughed "Kylie,Dean, Jayden! Come on over there's enough room at the Hermes table now!" Travis shouts from across the pavilion.

"Bye Y/n!" we all say as me Jayden and Dean ran over to the Hermes table, trying not to spill our food.


"Hey Kylie?" Connor asks


"Does Y/n have a boyfriend or anything?" he continues

I almost spit out my food "No. Why? Do you like her?" i ask

"Yes" he answers simply

"What?" Jayden asks a little anger in his voice

"I like her" Connor repeats "I mean how could you not?"

"Careful she's my bestfriend" I said as fiercely as i could

"She's our best friend too" Jayden says gesturing towards himself and Dean

"Exactly, maybe you guys could help me" he offers

"And why would we do that?" Jayden asks real anger in his voice now

"Well you guys know her really well and-" he stopped mid sentence and stared up at a big glowing red sign above Dean and Jayden's heads.

It was a glowing red boar's head with a spear through the center of it. They had been claimed.

'When am i going to get claimed?' i asked myself. No answer

"What?" Jayden and Dean both ask in sync

"You've both been claimed by Ares. The god of war" Travis explained

"Really? Wicked" Jayden said staring up at the glowing red symbol

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