Five weeks (Chapter 8)

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It's been about five weeks since you got to camp Half-blood and you and Nico had been hanging out everyday so far. Sword fighting in the arena, being on the same team in capture the flag, and mostly spending all of freetime together. You really felt accepted. By Nico, your new brother Jason, his friends, even some of Jayden's friends from the Ares cabin hung out with you sometimes. Will Solace from the Apollo cabin also hung out with you a lot, he taught you archery, and sometimes he would even let you help him in the infirmary.

Jayden seemed to be fitting in perfectly with all the other Ares kids, but Dean didn't seem to be fitting in as well. Once you walked by and the Ares cabin door was open and all you could see inside was Jayden and another Ares kid laughing and wrestling. And on a bunk in the back right side of the cabin was Dean, reading a book completely ignoring what was going on around him.

Kylie had a similar but also very different problem. Ever since we had arrived at camp she had been very quiet and shy. You had figured that it had just been the shock of inquiring the knowledge that the greek gods and goddesses from greek mythology had become our new reality, but this got worse ever since you, Dean, and Jayden had been claimed. You suspected she was feeling unwanted and lonely. But today was different

"Y/n! Y/n!" Kylie called as she ran up to you, a big smile on her face.

"Kylie! Kylie!" you mimicked

"Guess what?" she asked still grinning widely

"What?" you asked interested

She took a deep breath "Today i'm finally going to ask my crush out!" she squealed

"That's great Kylie, but who is it?" you asked excited to see her excited

"Jayden" she said in a sing song voice

"Really?" you asked raising your eyebrows "you've known him for at least two years and you haven't told me you like him?"

"I'm sorry Y/n i was going to tell you but then Nico showed up and brought us here" she said gesturing around

"It's okay just remember you can tell me anything" you assured her

"Ok, so will you come with me?" she asked pleadingly

"Of course" you say following Kylie to the dining pavilion where Jayden usually hangs out with his friends.

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