Arriving in Italy (Chapter 16)

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A/N- Thank you guys for all the great comments and reads, I'm glad my story is being enjoyed! I hope you enjoy the next chapter as much as any of the rest!


I could feel the tension and discomfort between all three of us, but I tried my best to ignore it, which pretty much sapped all of my energy. Well that and the fact that I was already tired from thinking of what lay ahead. So, unintentionally, I fell asleep.

Nico's POV

If I ever had a more awkward situation in my life, i'd like it to stand up and challenge this one. Let's just say nothing comes to mind. Jayden was quietly sitting, face pressed up against the window, clearly bored. Everything was awkward, but at least it was just tension in the air, silent as the grave, believe me i've been there, I know. Then Y/n fell asleep. At first she was well within her space, her head leaning directly back against the middle of her seat.

It was a bit surprising to me that she would fall asleep, she seemed so awake and energized this morning, now she was completely passed out.

Jayden must have noticed the change as well because both of us caught each other's eye amidst observing Y/N's change in consciousness. The tension had slowly started to build from there.

However, the real tensity came when her head moved slightly, in a quick twitching motion, only once, which caused her to come falling from the space of her seat to mine, resting her head lightly on my shoulder.

I had a quick and absurd thought of the movies, where when this situation occurs the other guy just rolls his eyes angrily and looks away in defeat, let's just say Hollywood has never prepared me for real life. Ever.

For a split second I thought Jayden's eyes would burn off from the inside because of the anger in his eyes. But I didn't really care, I just casually looked away, partly to get away from enraged war-god's-son over there and partly to hide my embarrassed face, which I felt heating, no doubt turning red, (completely noticeable due to my pale complexion). I was always uncomfortable with any kind of physical contact but she made me extremely nervous, for a reason I couldn't put my finger on.


After four continuous hours of making sure Jayden didn't try anything on Y/N and having to endure his ridiculous anger and jealousy, I was beat and ready to sleep.

The cab came to a surprised hult, and not five seconds after, Y/n shot her head up, her eyes full of alert and certainty but they looked almost foggy, she looked over across where Jayden sat, staring at her in surprise. The cab driver started to exit the car and simultaneously Y/n reached across Jayden, opened his car door and swung herself over Jayden and out the door. And as Jayden tried to follow out the door she slammed it in his face. I was fully awake now.


It was a police checkpoint, but I had no idea why they made the driver get out of the car. I peeked my head up into the front seats to see what was going on. One policeman stood with his gun pointed towards the cab driver and Y/N, sweating furiously and looked frightened.

He was Italian "You... You are the black cab I heard about on the intercom, the ghost cab, s-so fast only a few caught glimpses of it"" He stumbled over his words.

Since he spoke Italian, I thought this was a way I could be more useful, but as I was reaching for the door handle I heard Y/N's voice but not in english, in Italian, "Do you really believe everything you hear on that thing" she said as she nodded her head towards his car, towards the noise of a buzzing walkie-talkie. "Why get us caught up in a stupid prank they are playing on you, they probably figured there would be no such thing as a black and yellow cabbie, most likely thought you would believe it when they gave it the name ghost cab, and how many people that weren't policemen actually saw this 'ghost cab'?" she said, in Italian! May I remind you!

His gun was still raised and he looked like he was contemplating the idea, and that seemed enough for Y/n so she whipped the gun right out of his hand and it hit him right on the head before he could even open his mouth.

She and the cab driver both hoisted him up into his car, he was rather skinny so I doubt it was much weight, he looked only as if he'd fallen asleep in his car on duty.

I looked back at Jayden who was completely dumbfounded, I doubt he knew Italian, so I assumed he had no idea what they had just said and was only surprised by Y/N.

Y/N and the cab driver both came back into the car, Y/N climbing back over Jayden, which Jayden didn't at all seem unhappy about. The cab driver sat for a minute in silence, then proceeded to say, "Whatever that was, it'll be at least three drachma extra".

Y/N nodded slightly and we were off again. Only two hours more until Rome.

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