Meanwhile, Taehyung paced anxiously in the dorm living room making everyone else unsettled.

Hoseok turned to him sighing. "Hey Jungkook said they are on their way. Are you satisfied now?"

"Yah, Taehyung will you sit down and relax? your pacing is giving me a headache" Yoongi said grumpily.

Taehyung just ran his hands roughly over his hair in anticipation and distress. He had to talk to Jimin but he doubted if he would even look at him talk of talking to him. He had definitely messed up and now he didn't know how to fix it.

"I shouldn't have listened to you guys!" he whispered.

Jin who had been lying on Namjoon's lap rose with anger shining in his eyes.

"What? Have you forgotten everything we went through to finally get to this height. It seems you have forgotten the battles we fought all too soon. The hate we received when we first debuted. How hard we worked every night and day. The painstaking diet plans we went through just to keep in shape. We were the last in the food chain of the k-pop world. No one believed in us. We were nobodies"

He scoffed "But now look at us, our hardwork finally paid off. We are recognized all around the world. People even say that we are the biggest boy group in the world"

He strained his eyes at Taehyung. "But now you want to leave the game this way, not as legends but with our names dragged to the mud and everything we ever worked for buried as though it never even existed"

Taehyung sighed as Jin went on. "We are a group, a family. If one member falls, the rest along with him"

He exhaled tiredly "We all know how much you love Jimin. You were even willing to risk it all for him but this is not the time. As much as it hurts, you have to accept it. Not everyone is ready to embrace us for who we really are and that's the harsh reality we have to face"

"I would give anything to live in a society that is comfortable with people like us but unfortunately we don't. However, we don't have to tell the whole world just to be happy. For now, love is the only thing we have and it's the only thing that will get us through this"

Namjoon pecked Jin's cheek and he smiled sadly.

Taehyung shook his head "Jimin isn't ready to hear that. He doesn't care what people say"

Yoongi frowned. "Well he better do because we have all worked so hard to get to where we're at and we can't ruin it... "

"Because we are gay" Taehyung finished for him sadly.

Yoongi stood up from his seat. "I'm sorry Taehyung. I'd like to say that I support you but I can't even though I do. My career and everyone else's is at stake here. So you two shouldn't be selfish"

He walked away, his hands in his pocket.

"I hate my life" Taehyung whispered to himself and at that moment the door flung open and Jungkook entered staggering with Jimin at his back, the older's arms wrapped around his neck.

The smell of alcohol was strong in the air and Taehyung ran towards them, his eyes fixed on Jimin's sleeping face but Jungkook gave him such a hard glare, he froze on the spot.

"Is Jimin alright?" Hoseok whispered worriedly.

"He's fine. He just drank a lot" Jungkook answered and Taehyung hid his face.

Jungkook went to Jimin's room, dropped him on his bed and returned to find Taehyung lingering at the door.

"Don't disturb him Taehyung, he's asleep" he said coldly.

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