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Jimin sighed for the umpteenth time that day. He was so tired of everything, even living. So he had purposely being overworking himself hoping it would take his mind off Taehyung but no matter what he did, he was always on his mind.

He was secretly writing a song about his relationship with Taehyung. Whenever an inspiration would come, he would sit down and write.

Theirs was unlike any other story. Maybe it was destiny, he didn't know but one thing was for certain, their meeting wasn't just a coincidence. Coming from different towns to Seoul to pursue their dreams, they didn't know they would meet each other. They were both trainees after coming to Seoul. They were strangers then, attending the same school for busy trainees. They saw each other both at school and at the company where they trained but they weren't close. Taehyung thought Jimin was just a weird dresser while Jimin thought Taehyung was just a childish talkative They both possessed local dialects which made it difficult for them to blend well with others but Taehyung was exceptional. His witty nature and good looks soon attracted him to everyone making people like him. He fit in quite easily but the case was different for Jimin.

Everyone avoided him. No one wanted to talk to him. He had no friends and was completely alone. Some people even started bullying him. Taehyung noticed the boy whom everyone seemed to shun and encouraged his friends to talk to him but they all refused.

Sometimes, he would watch them tease Jimin's accent, mock him and call him names. He decided it was enough.

That day, Jimin was surprised to see Taehyung approaching him. They were all in the canteen and he dropped his food close to his.

Jimin looked up surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"You're Jimin right? Hi I'm Taehyung. We are both trainees at Big hit"

"I know who you are but you shouldn't be here, you should go back to your friends"

Taehyung just smirked and climbed on top of the table. Jimin gasped.

"Yah, what are you doing ?"

Taehyung just looked down at him with a goofy smile and turned back to the students who were all staring at him in disbelief.

"Listen everyone, from today, Jimin is one of my good friends. Anyone who tries to hurt him is hurting me"

With that said, he climbed down and ignored everyone as he silently ate his food.

Jimin stared at him surprised "Why are you doing this? I don't even know you that well"

"Well we can start now" He gave Jimin a smile that made his heart thump. "Besides, outcasts like us have to stick together"

Jimin slowly smiled back at him and thus began their friendship. To Jimin, Taehyung was his everything, his Savior, his best friend, his accomplice. Even his prom date which was a little weird but no one cared. Because of him, he was able to move on with life, make new friends and become a happier person.

Everyday, they made sure they walked to school together and came back together buying food and eating it together on the road side. After graduating school together, they suddenly found themselves in the same boy band group consisting of five other boys. Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon and the youngest of them all Jungkook.

They were so happy to welcome these new sets of people into their lives and it wasn't difficult for all of them to get along. Before their debut as a group, Taehyung was the last to be shown to the public. They described him as the secret weapon. While Jimin and the others promoted, he had to hide himself. It was a lonely and tiring period for him but Jimin was there by his side, comforting him, keeping him company, giving back to him all the love he had received from Taehyung when he was bullied in school. When Taehyung was finally revealed and their new activities began to take a hold on them, the two never stopped being friends. After everything they've being through together, they were sure they were now best friends who could confide in each other.

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