Twenty nine

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"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Lisa cried out. The plan didn't work out as she hoped. She groaned loudly in frustration.

"How could he do that? How could he save that little shit!" She whispered. She quickly ran out of there thinking hard. She had planned it all to the letter. She had been watching them secretly, checking out the venue and the time when Jimin would be still during the performance so she could strike.

She had placed the lever on the roof waiting for an opportunity. The lever had been secured with a rope. All she had to do was loosen it and down it went crashing on him but now that little shit Jimin was still alive and breathing because Taehyung was stupid enough to sacrifice himself for him.

Taehyung was dead and it's all Jimin's fault. There was no way he could have survived that impact. With tears running down her face, she ran down the back stairs and out the exit. Her car was just down the road and as she jogged towards it, all she could think of was how she would deal with Jimin.  She couldn't bear the thought that he was still alive. She entered the car and started the engine but paused as her phone began to ring.

She saw the caller ID. It was Jungkook. She sighed and ignored the ringing noise but it went on and on so she picked it up.

"What is it Jungkook, I'm busy!" She said.

"Did you do it?" Jungkook said bluntly.

She couldn't answer him. She became silent.

"Did you try to kill Jimin?" He pressed on.

"What are you accusing me of?" She demanded.

She heard him gulp and she scoffed. "Jungkookshi, are you blaming me for what happened? I had nothing to do with that"

"Why don't I believe you?"

She faked a laugh. "Even if I did what you're accusing me of, there's no evidence and as far as everyone is concerned, it was an accident"

She stopped, allowing her words to process into his brain. "The ones responsible for what happened to Taehyung are the staffs who should have taken care of the stage so If you don't mind, I have other things to do"

She hung up, started the car and drove off thinking only of one person. Park Jimin.

Jungkook looked at his image in the mirror. He had cried so much and his eyes were swollen. He regretted it now. Because of his obsession with Jimin, he got entangled with that psychotic woman and now Taehyung was paying for his mistakes with his life. But now, what could he do about it? It was already too late. He wiped his eyes and walked out only to freeze in terror at the sight of Hoseok standing there looking at him with a disappointment shining in his eyes.

"Hyung!" He muttered but recieved a strong jab to the chin. He stumbled backwards as blood spilled from the cut on his lower lip.

"You low life piece of shit!" Hoseok spat out. Jungkook held out his arms to restrain him.

"I'm sorry!"

"You're sorry?" Hoseok screamed. He glared at the younger. "All these time, you were working with Lisa to break up Jimin and Taehyung. You knew she was going to kill Jimin!"

Jungkook shook his head wiping off the blood on his lips."I had no idea she was planning to kill him. I would never do anything to hurt Jimin or Taehyung"

Hoseok heaved heavily "I knew something was off with you. You've been acting strange Jungkook, having secret night calls, secret meetings. I used to think you had a girlfriend. I would never have imagined this. You were even capable of risking the reputation of our group for your own selfish agenda"

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