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Jimin woke up to a tap on his body. He groaned. He didn't want to wake up. He still felt slightly dizzy from his alcohol intake yesterday.

"Yah, Jimin, you better wake up. We have practice this morning. Our schedule is packed today you know?" His roommate Hoseok complained as he hovered over him.

"Arasseo, I'm coming" Jimin said lazily, burying his face into the pillow.

"Pale (quickly) we are eating breakfast" Hoseok said and left the room. Jimin reluctantly stood up and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and brushed his teeth. They were going to have an intense practice today so there was no need bathing. He dressed in fresh loose grey sweater and torn jeans then he left the room.

Immediately he was out, the scent of sweet smelling food filled the air. His stomach rumbled and he suddenly realized how hungry he was. He followed the scent to the kitchen where the members were gathered eating breakfast made by Jin, the oldest member of the group. However, one seat was noticeably unoccupied. He suddenly felt depressed and sat on his usual seat, the one next to the empty chair.

"Yah, Jimin, you have to be energetic today. We are performing next week so don't be distracted" Jin said staring at him.

Jimin nodded. "Okay hyung"

Namjoon decided to speak with his mouth full of toast. "Has anyone heard from Taehyung?"

"He called me this morning" Jungkook, the youngest in the group said. "He said he will return this afternoon"

Jimin suddenly scoffed, stabbing his toast using a fork with such hard force that the other members jumped at the same time and stared at him.

"Jimin, are you okay?" Hoseok said.

Jimin smiled bitterly. "oh, I'm fine Hoseok, really fine" he muttered with a bitter smile as he forced pieces of toasts into his mouth grinding them between his teeth in anger. So many things were going through his head. How could Taehyung not have called throughout yesterday and even this morning. Was he seriously out there having a good time with his Hwarang hyungs?

He pushed his toasts aside and stood up.

"Yah, Park Jimin, finish your food"

"I've lost my appetite" he responded gravely and left the table. Everyone just watched him leave. No one said a word because without saying anything, they knew what was eating him up inside.

Park Jimin went to the practice room alone and put on their solo track DNA. Raising the volume to the fullest, he began to dance so energetically hoping that it would put his mind off this burning feeling of anger and jealousy in his heart.

I must have suddenly become old news such that he doesn't want to hang out with me anymore

Oh well, he should enjoy his time with his new friends, what do I care?

He hadn't noticed that the members had entered and were now looking at him. The music was turned off and Jimin's ankle twisted while he was executing one of those difficult dance moves. He fell with a deep thud onto the floor and yelled out.

Everyone rushed to him.

"Jiminah, are you okay?" Jungkook whispered worriedly.

The pink haired boy didn't answer. He just moaned in pain clutching his feet.

"Take him to his room and bring the first aid kit" Jin ordered immediately.

Jungkook carried Jimin easily into his arms and left the practice room while the others followed. He took him to his room and laid him on his bed. They all surrounded him.

"Jungkook, I'm fine" Jimin whined and set his foot down on the ground. A slight pain swept through his body and he winced.

Jungkook held up his leg. "See, it's swollen"

Jin entered holding the first aid kit. "Jimin I told you to be energetic but not to overdo it" he scolded.

Jimin just mumbled as Jin sat beside him and started to rub his ankle with a strong smelling ointment. He bore the pain strongly and Jin smiled when he was finished.

Namjoon sighed. "Jimin, rest now. Hopefully, your leg will be much better tomorrow then you can continue practicing"

Jimin tried to get up. "No, it's fine... "

"Hyung, it's swollen. Listen to Namjoon" Jungkook whined.

Jimin took a deep breath. The last thing he wanted was to lie down in bed, giving his brain enough room to think of that betrayer. He just nodded and turned around throwing his blanket over his head.

"Bye hyung" Jungkook said.

"Try to sleep roomie" Hoseok said.

The rest mumbled incoherent words and Jimin nodded his head. He could hear their feets leave the room and he sighed softly for the umpteenth time and closed his eyes.

When he woke up, he felt a warm pair of arms around his body and a familiar breath against his neck. He shivered, shocked by how fast his heart was beating. The betrayer was behind him sleeping so peacefully beside him. He wanted to jab him in his stomach but he held himself and turned around to look at him, the betrayer's hand falling off limply from his body. He held his breath when he beheld his sculpted face. He was so handsome. How could he be angry and happy at the same time just by looking at that messy brown hair slightly covering his long lashes. God, he missed him.

He let his hand caress his soft chin.

"Na punyeom (Jerk)" He muttered under his breath.

The betrayer's eyes fluttered open and he smirked.

"Hello beautiful" he whispered in that deep sultry voice of his.

Jimin rolled his eyes pretending not to be affected by his voice and raised his brows.

"You have a lot of explaining to do Kim Taehyung" He said.

The second chapter is done. I hope you like it. Leave comments and votes please if you want me to keep writing. Bye bitcheeeees!

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