Twenty one

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The car stopped in front of Big hit building were paparazzi had already formed. As soon as the boys came out, they hounded them throwing questions at them which they once again ignored.

Jimin wanted to sink into a hole and never come back up. He was so done with the whole thing. He was done with the entertainment industry. The security barely managed to get them into the company without a scratch.

As soon as they entered, a female staff rushed to them

"You are here, please follow me" She said, her voice sounding urgent. She gave Jimin a once over and frowned slightly before turning away and walking forward. They quickly followed behind her and entered into the elevator which would lead them to the  chairman's office.

Jimin pondered about Taehyung. Was he already with the chairman? What was going to happen? Where they going to be kicked out of the group?

They finally reached the final floor and the elevator stopped. They got out and all the staffs stopped their work to look at them as they walked past. Some where even whispering among themselves. The woman stopped in front of the chairman's office.

"You may go in now" She said and opened the door for them.

Jimin took a deep breath before he entered the office. Everyone including their manager where seated at the round table. Their heads hung low. The chairman was not yet in the office so there was an unbearable silence and tension in the air.

Jimin found Taehyung sitting close to the chairman's chair. The seat opposite him was empty so he sat down there. The manager gave him a scorching look as he sat and he gulped. All the while, his boyfriend didn't acknowledge his presence. He kept his eyes fixed on the table below him. Jimin didn't like how he was ignoring him and he started getting a bad feeling about this. He could endure everything but not Taehyung's avoidance.

He kept looking at the other hoping he would at least look up when the door opened and the chairman entered. They all stood up as a sign of respect.

The fat short man looked at all of them. His mouth twisted into a frown as his eyes fell on Jimin and Taehyung. He cleared his throat and walked to the head of the table where his seat was positioned.

It was only after he had sat down that they all sat down. There was a strangling silence in the room. They all started sweating even though the room was cold as a result of the air conditioner.

The chairman placed his two hands in front of him as he spoke.

"Now, I'm not going to beat about the bush"

He narrowed his eyes at the prosecuted victims. "I'm just going to ask you Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. Is what they are saying in the news true?"


"Answer me" He said in a harsher tone.

"Yes!" They both answered together.

Their eyes met. That was the first time since they got down from the plane that Taehyung had looked at him. His heart leapt and he hid a smile.

The chairman looked at the manager. "Why didn't you keep this on a radar?" he yelled.

The man ducked in fear. "I'm sorry sir, I had no idea about it. I wasn't informed that they were secretly dating"

He eyed them "I didn't even know they were gay"

The chairman turned and looked at Taehyung.

"How long has this being going on?"

"Two weeks" Taehyung answered in a low voice.

He ran a hand over his face in agitation and heaved deeply. "Honestly, I don't care about what you do with your personal lives as long as it doesn't affect business"

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