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“Drop that fucking gun Williams,” a familiar voice says.

Damone Williams turns around and for a slight second seems surprised that Ridge found us. He puts on his usual brave facade on. 

“Hernandez. Nice of you to join me little brother,” he sneers at Ridge who clenches his jaw and looks over at me. 

“She looks even better in chains right?” Damone says laughing menacingly and Ridge tenses up.

“Let her go,” Ridge says.

“And why would I do that?” Damone asks and Ridge smirks.

“Because... I'm the one that has the list,” Ridge says still pointing his gun at Damone whose men are pointing their guns to Ridge and one at me.

“You're bluffing. Max Parker is the only person who knew about that list. I'm convinced he told his dear grand daughter here, where it is,” Damone says looking at me with soul-less and empty eyes.

“I know. That's why I stole it from her without her knowing,” Ridge says and my heart stops. No that's not true. I have that list. I'm wearing it right now. 

I look at Ridge who avoids my gaze. 

“You what? Give it to me,” Damone says urgently.

“You think I'll just give it to you? Just like that? It's worth a lot Williams. It's worth billions. The FBI, the police and even the vice president is after it,” Ridge says to him.

“Fine. How much do you want for it?” Damone asks and I look over at Ridge.

“I don't want your filthy money. I'm not interested in money gotten from the exploitation of children,” Ridge says.

“What do you want then?” Damone asks. 

“Tell us what happened to her grandfather and then let her go free,” Ridge says and I widen my eyes. He doesn't care about the money? 

“Very well then. I killed him. He's dead, end of story,” Damone says simply as if he's talking about something worthless. My heart breaks in my chest. 

“It's not true. You're lying!” I scream and he chuckles coldly. Damone looks at me then looks away as if nothing just happened. 

“You have to show me the proof that you have the list Hernandez,” Damone says. 

“Franco De Alberto. George Wills. Sarah Brown. Damone Williams. Sergeant Saul Rodriguez. Those are the names at the top of the list,” Ridge says. He's right. The only thing is. I still have that list, so how does he know those names? Unless... He saw it. 

“Fair enough. Hand it over then Hernandez,” Damone says. 

The window behind us suddenly shatters and in comes my other favorite person. James. He starts firing at Damone's men. 

Ridge takes this chance to shoot at the man pointing his gun at me. The man drops to the floor in front of me. 

“Take them down!” Damone shouts at his men who start firing at Ridge who takes cover behind a pillar and aims for two men entering the door taking them down with headshots. 

James hides behind a metal table he topples over. Using it as a shield.

Damone walks over to me and places his gun against my temple. I take in a sharp breath in fear. 

Ridge and James continue taking down Damone's men until there's none left. Ridge realizes this and points his gun at Damone. James leaves the room to look for the other goons. 

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