Bonus Chapter

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Y'all asked for some Coach Perry content... You're welcome my children.

《10 years later》

"Drew Thomas! Stop hitting your sister." I scold my oldest son, using his full name. I don't normally do that unless he's acting like an asshole, which he is. I wonder where he inherited that quality. 

"She won't share!" My five year old whines. Gosh, he reminds me so much of his dad when he does that. Not in a good way either.

"Olivia, give your brother some cheetos or we aren't going to see Grandpa John." I threaten, knowing that will do the trick. Sure enough, my stubborn three year old, diva daughter passes the cheetos to her brother. Unfortunately, Luke Hemmings is her favorite uncle and she acts just like him. He's definitely not a good influence on our daughter and I'm horrified thinking of how she'll be when we hit the teenage years. 

"Here we go." Calum coos to our baby boy, Max, as he finishes buckling him into his carseat. I smile at the sight, it never gets old to watch Calum be a good daddy. Our babies love him like he hung the moon, and he loves them the same. It makes me fall in love with him all over again.

After everyone is buckled in and ready to go, Calum hops into the drivers seat of our family car and backs out of our driveway.

"Ready to go see old Coach Perry?" He elbows me lightly and I laugh. It's still quite funny to think about how our old gym teacher came to be such an important part of our lives.

"It's been awhile, do you think Drew and Liv will even remember him?" I ask with concern.

"Of course they will! They've only been crying to see him for the past four months." He rolls his eyes at our kids. It's true though, they always cry to see him. They even think of him as their third grandpa, hence why we refer to him as Grandpa John. They don't know any different, and it doesn't bother Calum and I the slightest bit. Grandparents are great, so the more the merrier. Besides, he loves that our kids love him so much. Sometimes it's refreshing to see a cranky old man smile. 

The last time we visited Coach, I was still pregnant with our baby boy Max, who is now three months old. We've just been too busy to find time to go see him lately with a new baby and two other small children. Not to mention that Calum's schedule is always hectic. However, it's a beautiful Sunday afternoon and he called us to invite us over for a barbecue. Weird. 

"Isn't is funny that we still just call him Coach? I think our kids are going to start getting confused." Calum chuckles at the realization. 

"Well remember when we got married and we were only allowed to refer to him as 'Minister John' for a whole year?" I sigh, still annoyed over that incident. When Calum and I were planning our wedding, we invited Coach Perry of course. From the moment he found out, he insisted on getting ordained and officiating our wedding for us "free of charge". I've never argued so much with a man that was twice my age before that period in my life. Calum was okay with it because he thought it was funny, and also since Coach is the reason that the two of us were even a thing. And while he technically was the reason we were brought together, Coach Perry was not at all the reason that I fell in love with Calum. I tried to explain that to Coach, but he insisted that he was in fact a matchmaker and that it was pertinent for us to let him officiate our wedding. I argued with him until I was blue in the face, but that only resulted in him throwing a big fit about not coming to our wedding at all, so I ultimately had no choice. 

"The man, the myth, the minister, John Perry." Calum recites Michael's best man speech when he introduced Coach Perry for his own speech at our reception. It was no surprise to anyone that he insisted on speaking as well. Also, Michael insisted on being Calum's best man since Calum was marrying Michael's sister and since Ana was my maid of honor. Needless to say, our whole wedding was a complete mess due to the lovely people in our life, and we had no control over it.

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