Chapter 21 》"Someone to close his eyes for you"

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I've successfully prevented Calum from speaking to me anymore, which is exactly what I was hoping for. That's the grand and glorious thing about Christmas break, I don't have to look at him, I don't have to talk to him, and I am trying my hardest to keep him from invading my thoughts. It's not necessarily working, but at least I don't have to deal with his presence. 

I scratch Ruby's ears from our spot on the couch, we had just taken an accidental nap while watching tv. It doesn't matter though, because it's Christmas break and I don't have any responsibilities to worry about. 

"Can you kids handle yourselves on your own tonight?" My mom asks Michael and I, entering the living room in a haste. I hadn't realized that my brother was in here too, and by the looks of him, he was also taking a nap. 

"Where are you guys going?" Mikey questions for me, almost as if reading my mind.

"Out of town, if you must know everything." She jokes. "We're meeting up with some old friends for the night. We'll get a hotel and be back in the morning. Will you survive on your own?" 

"I'll be fine." I speak for myself, and Michael nods in agreement.

"Mom, is it still okay for the guys to come over for band practice?" Michael suddenly panics.

"Of course it is, just behave yourselves, okay?" She ruffles Michael's bright red hair and he scowls at her, fixing it back to the way he had it. I scowl at Michael. How dare he bring that asshole to our house. I guess I'll be spending the night in my room with the door locked, and hopefully none of them bother me, especially Calum.


Mom and dad left to go see their friends hours ago, and as soon as they stepped out the door, I went to my room. I've been hiding in here with Ruby ever since. I heard the boys show up earlier, and it didn't take them long to head to the basement to practice their music. I've given up on trying to read, or do anything that requires any level of concentration, as they are extremely loud. The music is literally so loud that I can taste Calum's baseline and it makes me want to gag. I hate him.

No I don't. I'm just telling myself that, so that maybe I will convince myself to hate him, but that will probably never happen. 

Anyway, when they aren't playing music they are still being quite obnoxious and loud. I take it that they are probably drinking, especially since it's just us here for the night. This progresses for hours, and I'm running out of ways to drown them out, and they're really starting to drive me nuts. At this point, I'm lying on my bedroom floor and staring at the ceiling, switching between listening to their playful banter and their disruptive music. It's good. They keep getting better and better. Maybe not tonight though, it sounds like they've got a little too much alcohol in their system, and are mostly just screwing around. 

My phone pings with a Snapchat notification, so I lazily pick it up from beside me on the carpet to check it. As soon as I see who the snapchat is from, I contemplate opening the window and tossing my phone out. 


What could he possibly want, and why is he snapchatting me from downstairs? I debate whether I should open it or not, fearing what it might entail. My curiosity overrides my better judgment, and I click on it, immediately wishing that I hadn't. The picture that is now on my screen is one that I definitely didn't want to see anytime soon. I click off of it and toss my phone away from me, unsure of how to feel right now. 

He really just sent me that. Why would he do that?

It must be an accident, it has to be. But if that was meant for someone else, then I'll be crushed. Then again, I still don't want it to be for me.

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