Extra Shiz

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Hey loves! So I decided to make a chapter full of extra bullshit that no one asked me to do. It serves absolutely no purpose, I just felt like doing it. If you wanna read it, dope. If not, that's also dope and I don't blame you. 


As you probably noticed, I included songs with a lot of the chapters in this book. I used songs that I felt fit with that chapter or a character. Some were of course 5sos songs and some weren't. One of my favorite hobbies is pushing my music onto people if they don't already listen to it😂. But I'm just going to talk about the songs I used and why I used them and stuff. There's honestly no purpose to this, I just felt like doing it lmao. So, read if you wanna, or move on with your life. Either way is perfectly fine because this is so pointless lol.

The Anthem - Good Charlotte 
We love a good coming of age tale lol. If you've never listened to Good Charlotte, go do it. Older punk rock is a beautiful thing. When I hear this song, it just makes me think of high school and I want to throw up. I thought this song would describe how Norah felt about her school and the people she was around, like the boys for instance. Norah wasn't a popular person, she mostly stuck with herself. It's the loser anthem. 

Alphabet Boy - Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez's music is cool, so are her music videos. I personally really love the song Mrs. Potato Head - check it out! I used this song because it kind of sums up how Norah felt about Calum at first. He was definitely cocky and arrogant, acted like he knew everything. She was basically just not dealing with his shit. Also, now that I'm currently listening to this song while writing this, I just died laughing because there's a line where she says "You're not my daddy..." LOL how fitting.

A$$hole (No Aplogies) - Max Frost
If any song could sum up Calum at the beginning of this story, it would be this one. I mean, "I don't mean to be an asshole/ I guess it just comes natural" I mean HELLO? Lol. Max Frost isn't like super well known, and I just discovered him over the summer. I saw him in concert in october opening for twenty one pilots. He's a great musician, you should definitely check his new album "Gold Rush" out if you haven't heard of him before. This is my favorite song off his album btw. ALSO THE SONG ADDERALL FN SLAPS SIS.

Long Way Home - 5 Seconds of Summer
Well, to start, it's a 5sos song which is fit for a 5sos fanfic. I'm sure you've heard this song before lmao so i don't need to elaborate. I used it for when Norah had to ride with Calum and he took... wait for it... the long way home. Yeah I hate myself after that joke. 

Pizza - 5 Seconds of Summer
I literally only used this song bc Michael was eating a shit ton of pizza. Also, this is the most relatable song I've ever listened to in my life and who doesn't love hearing Ashton scream "MICHAEL WANTS ANOTHER SLICE"???

Sober - G-Eazy ft. Charlie Puth
If you like rap, G-Eazy is cool. It also has our Charlie in it, so that's dope. But yeah, this was used during Ashton's party when Norah got drunk and kissed Cal like the hoe we all know she is. lolol jk. But seriously, the lyrics "I know that I'll regret this when I'm sober." I mean did she or did she not regret that? lmao. This is a good song if you've never listened to it, Charlie's vocals are amazing as they always are. 

Good Girls - 5 Seconds of Summer
Once again, I'm sure we all know this one. I used it when Calum was being a weird mofo and stole Norah's underwear.

Ruby - Twenty One Pilots
This. Song.
If you don't listen to TOP, then I don't know how else to tell you to listen to them other than that they are EVERYTHING to me. 5SOS and TOP are both at the same level of love in my heart, they are my most loved bands. TOP is cool because their style of music is just so different from anything you'll ever hear and I'm in love with that. The lyricism in their music is incredible as well, and they tackle a lot of concepts that you don't hear in a lot of mainstream music which I think is awesome. ANYWAY, enough of my love for TOP. 

It Ain't Me, Babe. 》cthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant