Chapter 9 》"Whether you are right"

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"Norah Grace!" I exchange glances with my dog Ruby upon hearing my mom shout my name through the house. Ruby yawns and snuggles back into her pillow, leaving me to deal with mom.

"You could take one for the team sometime, you know." I nudge her fuzzy little ear and she closes her eyes, drifting back to sleep.

I put my book down and head down the stairs to figure out what my mom wants. Both of my parents are dressed pretty nicely and my mom is rushing around while my dad waits patiently by the door for her to finish.

"What's up?" I ask.

"It's date night." My dad states while checking his watch.

"Norah, I'm leaving you money for pizza. The rest of the boys are coming over to keep you and Michael company. You're the most responsible, so just make sure everyone stays out of trouble." She sighs, placing a wad of cash in my hand.

"They're coming over?" I whine.

"Yes. You really need to learn to get along with them, sweetie." 

"But mom, you don't even know the half of-" Dad cuts me off.

"They are good boys! Michael is kind of an idiot sometimes, I get that. But those three boys are good boys." He nods in approval of his other three sons.

"They're pretty cute too." My mom wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.

"Ew, no." I choke back a gag.

"Now, those are boys that I wouldn't mind you dating. Fine young men." My dad smiles at the thought of me possibly dating one of those idiots. Little does he know that they are all fuckboys. All of them. 

"I think I'll just stick to living alone with nine cats, thanks though." I smile, ushering my parents out the door so that I won't have to have this conversation anymore. They both laugh as they link arms and head to the car for their date night. 

I quickly call the pizza place and place an order for enough pizza to feed the pack of wild animals that will soon invade my home. I plop down on the couch to watch tv while I wait for the pizza delivery guy and Michael comes down the stairs, finally awake from his nap. He throws his self onto the other couch and joins me in watching tv until his idiot friends get here.

"Did you really have to invite the boys over?" I groan.

"To be fair, mom and dad told me to." He points out.

"That doesn't make it fair." I chuckle.

"I thought you liked them?"

"I have never." I say with disgust.

"Yeah I know but I thought you were beginning to warm up to everybody." He says. "Well maybe not Luke." He adds after noticing my facial expression.

"Are you kidding? Do you not hear how much Calum and I fight?"

"I mean yeah, but how much of that is really 'fighting'?" He puts up air quotes with his fingers and smirks.

"I'm confused. What are you saying?"

"You know how it is Norah. Is he really that annoyed with you or is he 'being mean' for a different reason?" There he goes again with those damn air quotes.

"Can you stop being vague and just spit it out?"

"Oh my gosh Norah. Think back to kindergarten. Little boys are mean to little girls because they like them." He shrugs.

"Michael, no. I mean, Calum does act like he's in kindergarten, but that's beside the point. We hate each other, and our fights are very real."

"Yeah I know. But what about the other times when he's teasing you? What about the other day in anatomy when he put his feet in your chair and asked you to call him daddy?"

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