Chapter 26 》"It ain't me your looking for, babe."

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I shut my locker and follow Michael to the car. It's the Monday after Calum's birthday, and he didn't show up to school. I worked out by myself in weightlifting, and I'll admit that I was super concerned about Calum's whereabouts. I wouldn't be surprised if he had alcohol poisoning after how much he drank on Saturday. 

I attempted to call him a few times and sent countless messages, but he didn't respond to any of it. I guess I don't blame him for ignoring me if that's what he's doing. He tried to contact me several times yesterday, but ignored him every time. I didn't want to talk to him after the monstrosity he was on his birthday. I guess now he's returning the favor.

That's fair.

I'm still a bit concerned though. I hop into the car with Mikey and we head home. Once home, I shower and change into some more comfortable clothes. I plan on going straight to sleep, or at least taking a nap. My sleep schedule is majorly fucked from Calum's birthday and I'm still recovering. I slip on a thin tank top and a pair of shorts. Crawling into my bed is like crawling into a cloud after the past few days. Before drifting off, I decide to text Calum once more.

I end up scrolling to the messages that he sent me yesterday while I was ignoring him.

Calum: i tried to call you.

Calum: call me back Norah

Calum: i know you're ignoring me

Calum: i wanna talk. It's important.

Calum: please answer me.

Calum: I'm sorry :(

I should've just answered him and he probably wouldn't be ignoring me now. I decide to message him one more time today.

Me: I'm sorry for ignoring you. Please just let me know that you're okay cal.

I put my phone down and drift off to sleep even though it's only four in the afternoon.

I wake up to Michael violently shaking me, and take note of the loud rain outside. It must be storming.

"Gosh Mikey, what?" I complain.

"We have a situation and I need you to get up and help me handle it." Panic floods my brothers green eyes and I know right away that this problem must concern Calum. Twin intuition or something, I don't know.

I hop out of bed and follow him quietly down the stairs. Michael quickly and silently tiptoes through the house so as not to alert our parents who are snuggled together on the couch, watching tv. I copy his actions and follow him to the back door. Michael gives me a look and then pulls the door open to reveal Calum.

Calum stands on our back door step, completly soaked and dripping with water. A fifth of whiskey dangles from his fingertips and his eyes are glazed over. His face is pale and dark circles coat the underside of his eyes. As pathetic as he looks, he still gives a boyish grin. But that's not Calum's real smile, that's not the smile he gives when he's really excited or laughing at his friends. This is a very forced smile on his face.

"He's wasted." Michael whispers to me.

"We can't let mom and dad see him like this." I panic. They would be very concerned to see Calum, their sons best friend, sports star, and overall sweet innocent guy wasted and soaked at the back door on a monday evening.

"We gotta sneak him upstairs." Michael shrugs, but even he doesn't look too sure of his plan.

"Calum, it's very important that you cooperate and stay very, very quiet until we are upstairs, okay?" I pray to God that he cooperates and doesn't act the way he did on Saturday night. He nods slowly, eyes having not left me since the door opened.

It Ain't Me, Babe. 》cthDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora