Camp pt.2

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I woke up early in the morning and got ready. I went to the kitchen area and made some coffee and then passed it out to Aizawa and the other teachers. I had my cup and once I finished they all went to wake everyone else up. I washed everything and got ready for a workout. We did our warm up and then they made us try to use our powers for as long as possible. I sat in a river at the top of a hill. I levitated and made the water do funky things. From afar I looked magnificent. I sat there for like 20 minutes.

"Y/n you can stop and help out your classmates." Mr. Aizawa told me. I nodded and went to the struggling Kirishima.

"Hey Kiri need any help?"

"You know I need help."

"That's why I came here first." He was hardening and trying to abliterate a giant rock.

"Think of yourself as a never ending machine or something.. Think of the impact on the rock and how you can destroy it when you hit the right part."

"Thanks I'll try..."

"I'll be back.." I yelled and went over to Todoroki.

"Hey Todoroki!"

"Let me guess Aizawa is letting you help people?"

"Yep! And it looks like you need fire and water... It's difficult.. Two opposite sides of the spectrum..."


"I suggest that you think calmly about something you dislike."

"So likey dad?"

"Smaller piece..."

"His... Beard???"

"Sure!... Think of the smaller sides of why you dislike his beard."

"Okay...." He looked at me questioningly.

"It's all about how you think." I say.

"Like how if I think hard and focus or am mad my water and air are hot and frantic. But when I think calmly their angelic and cool."

"Oh, I got it..."

"Then I should go to my next victim."

"Have fun."We smile at each other and I go to Katsuki.

"How's my Pyro doing?"

"Ehhh.... I can't get a good amount of explosion per minute... They're not powerful and there's not many..."

"Wow... Very unimpressive... I'm going to go see what Midoriya is doing..." I said starting to walk to him.

"Deku!!!!" He yelled and did his explosions very well. I smiled and stayed with him.

"So I was right... Anger is what fuels your power."

"You shouldn't tease me like that..." He blushed.

"But what's the fun in only you being the tease?" I grinned. We finished up and started getting ready for dinner. Me and Katsuki decided we would cook together. He started the fire and I started to cut vegetables.

"You're doing it wrong... You're cutting them to big." He said and came to cut vegetables.

"Fine you do it... I'll put everything together."

Emotion Explode (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader) ! Discontinued ! Where stories live. Discover now