Chapter 1

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Hope peeked around the corner, looking for a certain cute brunette who said she would be studying. She ran into Josie earlier and for some odd reason she missed her. She was gone for an extremely long time visiting her mom in Europe. Once Hope spotted her in the corner of the library with a thick book, she smiled to herself and walked away. I have to stop doing this she said in her head as she made her way to her room. Josie would never lie to me. And I have a boyfriend! What am I doing? Hope has been struggling with foreign feelings toward Josie after they destroyed a very determined gargoyle together. There was some kind of spark she felt between them but she couldnt quite figure out what it was. A friendship? Love? Ooh. Hope was not ready for that one and she quickly pushed the thought away. She loved Landon.........mostly. She did love Landon.....right?

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