Blue Moon- Chapter 32

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Alex stumbled out, his cheek still scabbing over from his previous actions. "Clio!" He shouted.

He grabbed her hand, the electric feelings he once had had subsided, he felt as dull as her when he touched her, something he never expected.

"What has he done?"



"Nothing Alex, I just don't feel well..."

Asshai stood at the door, watching Alex slowly get closer to Clio.

Alex's grip tightened, "What has he done," he was angry like the day of the fight. His brain was scrambled, the moon pulled him as he kept looking at it.

"She said nothing, leave her alone asshole," Asshai finally said, his words had as much edge as Alex's.

"I don't know who you think you are, and what you've done with Clio," Alex stepped towards Ash, "but I think it's time for you to finish what ever you have."

Was Alex jealous or was he protective? Was he being who she wanted him to be or had them never working out changed him into a person she never knew?

"Don't start with me." Ash knew Clio didn't want any of this, he just wanted her and nothing else, but the men's words had set a fire with in him, to help all the lost vampires.

Alex swung for his to Ash's face, it was sloppy due to all the alcohol he had consumed, Ash caught it and brought it back to his body.

Alex turned to Clio, "you deserve better."

There it was the clean crack of Alex's neck and Ash's hands around the nape of his neck twisted it. Alex fell his eyes, once piercing blue now dazed as the blue moon shone back in them.

Clio looked up at Ash, "What have you done?"

In the distance they could hear howls, pained ones. And before they knew a group of men showed up, they all looked like Alex, piercing blue eyes in them all. The testosterone was oozing out of them as they quietly and quickly took Alex away before turning to Ash.

"You don't know what you've begun," they all followed into the moon. Walking along the road she knew eventually lead to the woods.

He looked at her reaching out his hand for her to take. She just gave him a look of confusion, she loved him with her heart but had just said she didn't want people to die and especially not her friends.

"Clio," he whispered, as they stood frozen in the street with only the light of the moon letting them see.

"I love you Ash," she whispered, "but I don't want people to die."

"People die all the time."

"Not from my hands."

"But Clio, you have to remember their words."

"Once the sky turns black and the moon glows blue
underneath it will hang Lepus and it will not run
for Rex et Regina have found eachother under it
As winter turns to summer, blood will over spill
for the blood to not overflow we must take it ourselves
from circulation of undeath to death
and the new age will rise"

"No Ash were not doing this," she began to walk away, she could wash her hands and be left with heart ache of him. Tears swelled in her eyes, she loved him, the old love she always wanted the type that could last forever, but what if she was falling for someone she couldn't agree with. How are you meant to love someone who would take another person life like that.

"Alex was human, he didn't need to be involved in this."

"He wasn't a human, Lio"


"He was a werewolf."

She was stunned, he was lying as much as her to all of them, did this take away the fact that Ash killed him.

"He would have done it to me," It was almost strange how Alex could beat Seb in that fight despite being quite scrawny.

The blue moon hung above them in the pitch black sky, they had found eachother. Ash bit open his wrist and held it to Clio's mouth, he shared his blood with her despite having 0 benefits to her but feeling a deeper bond.

"I love you, no matter what happens after this."

"I love you too," she whispered breathlessly.

They had so much to find out, what the stars had paved for them, star cross lovers or regal rulers being eachother Rex and Regina. Had the stars thought of the blood that would spilled, does fate care about its death count or does fate only care that everyone gets were there meant to be. So the stars hung in the right places for them to be, so they must let it be no matter what trials and tribulations that would come through.

They would be Clio Cromwell and Asshai Hamilton and they would stand the test of time with their forever love.

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