Waxing Gibbous- Chapter 10

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They left the mass of intoxicated idiots behind. Their hands were locked even a locksmith couldn't unbreak them. She followed like a puppy waiting for the enigmatic Asshai to show her somewhere new or place a new feeling on an old place.

Along the suburban coastal streets they slipped, the world followed after as the warm aura of new a relationship covered them.

Asshai brought Clio to a tall house, it was grey and a few years off looking scruffy but right now it was okay, nothing like the one her mother upheld.

He pushed the door open revealing a modern charcoaled home, with deep oaks and flashes of white amongst the grey.

He ushered her upstairs to a room, the bed wasn't made and the room was messy but nothing too bad. He blushed kicking things under his wooden bed and closing his wardrobe.

"Mi casa es tu casa."

She giggled, and sat on the bed. She could hear the soft lapping of the sea as the beach was only a few blocks away. She fell back looking up the his ceiling, not sure exactly on what to do.

His head fell on the other side of her like it did in her room but a week ago. Silence was comfortable as it always was to her, the ocean whispering in between there now synchronised breaths.

His lips parted, he took a deep breath before starting his inquiry into the mysterious Clio.

"Don't." She said, she'd already been inside his head and found his questions and decided that now wasn't then.


"Today's not the day, maybe another time but not now."

Silence resumed its place over them, she was relaxed and cool, being shot down so quickly surprised Asshai so he stood him and started his record player to some David Bowie on a low volume.

"Will you have this dance?" He asked, folding out a hand for her to grasp.

She jumped up and took it as he slowly span her around to Starman not fast like they were raving or slow like they were at a ball, but like the world faded and they were together here then now and they moved the way the music said to.

This was the first time she was living in the now for a while, her mind had been running reruns of her favourite memories for years now, half heartedly knowing that she probably wouldn't make new ones that would live up to the old.

"Asshai-"  she started.

"Call me Ash."

"Okay, Ash, why are we here."

"Because we have forever and I've decided that I should fill my forever doing what I want and I want this right now. Not what other people want me to do."

"What's your family like?"

He drew in a breath, she realised that she shouldn't have broke into him with such a heavy question due to the fact that they weren't here.

"Oh you know, they don't live here they're somewhere down south in a big manor, it's not like they don't want me it's that my sister Bella never made it when we turned, she didn't want to be a vampire and so nothing crushed them like leaving her and having me, and so we slowly grew away. If I came back today they'd be fine"

He was honest and open something she felt he wasn't normally. It fell out of his mouth. He was too relaxed to be with a stranger yet it just gushed out. She could feel his cold exterior melting as he showed more and more of himself to her.

"Hello ?" A voice echoed from downstairs, Clio jumped as she thought it was only her and Ash.

"Wait here" Ash muttered as he slowly crept downstairs.

"Yo Ash!"

"Dude , not right now."

"Why, I need some help and some food."

"No, look I'm busy not now."

"Come on we'll go out for a few minutes and you can get back to your diary or letters, just please come."

Clio slowly made her away to the top of the banister. The moonlight shone on the figure showing a fair haired boy, not like Alex's golden hair but silver and icy. With opposing purple eyes to Ash, he was about the same tall height but slightly less muscular.

His eyes shot up to her, watching nervous and he ran as quick as wind to her neck, and hissed.

"Go ahead," she calmly uttered, "if you like the taste of vampires blood."

The mysterious man took her by her shoulders and span her around to face him. His face was blue pale, and his hair reached his chin. He looked as if he hadn't slept in a week. He extended a hand out to her, "Patrick Hamilton but please call me Rick."

She gazed down at Ash, signalling for some help. He came up with immense speed, putting his arm around her waist protectively, "this is Clio Cromwell, and this is my brother Rick."

She stretched her mind to his family story a few minutes ago and he didn't mention any brother.


"Well maybe not by blood but by heart yes, I even took his surname for it." Rick smoothly answered, Asshai was a unfolding mystery to her, and it was her own problem that she was too curious.

"I'm hungry and if your one of us come for a bite with me," Rick carries on. Ash gave Clio an look as if to say, "yeah okay."

"One second, I kicked off my shoes," she said scurrying back into Ash's bed room.

When she couldn't hear Rick started.

"Cromwell dude, are you going to tell your dad this could be big, does she have any idea your that Hamilton or did he father never really let her go to the old balls?"

"Man, I've been talking to her for about two weeks; just let us be and I will tell you everything soon but she seems so stuck in her past I can't believe she wouldn't remember my name."

"I'm ready!" She shouted as they turned looking at her, Rick's eyes saying please hurry I'm starving !

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