Full Moon- Chapter 11

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Clio was dragged around the two boys favourite places to find people to suck almost dry. She didn't enjoy it much, the angel on her shoulder constantly reminding her she had blood bags at home.

"So Clio, what are your parents like," Rick asked.

Asshai shot Rick a look, he was trying to set them up even though they had already done that well themselves .

"Oh erm, well they're fine, they're nice, a bit traditional."

She often craved the relax silence that she had by her self or when she was with Lily, Sean and Alex. But Rick interruptions weren't as annoying as she expected, he asked her lot of seemingly point less questions and she always answered but never asked any back as she wasn't as interested in him as she was his brother.

She jumped on to a wall and began to look that the moon, it often drew her in like the tide, they had a connection that only that stars could explain to her.

Beneath her the boys talked and messed around, she found it endearing, watching them run along in circles from the high wall down on the wet sand leaving only footprints and laughter behind them.

What she saw as play fighting was turning into something more real.

"Dude, stop asking her so many questions. I'm sorting this out for my self," he said laughing and grabbing Ricks arm.

"I was only being a friend, she's interesting anyway," Rick pushed back.

The conflict carried on unbeknown to her, until it fizzled out as they both decided to just leave eachother to eachother.

She jumped off the wall, landing in the squishy sand and ran up to Ash.

"I really have to go home," she said, "I'll speak to you soon."

She went on her tip toes for a quick frivolous kiss and ran away. When she couldn't been seen anymore he fell into the bed of the beach.

"She's something I haven't seen in a while, I don't care who or what she is anymore. Tell them nothing Rick please, she'll be thrown to the wolves if they know who her parents are."

His eyes looked up to the stars they were shining in a purple sky much like a fortune ball, they dictated everything and nothing. People believed in them and defied them, but they were just floating rocks and he wondered if someone else was on a floating rock looking at him right now.

The weekend passed by, she spent in drawing and catching up on work and he spent it playing piano and playing football. They both spent it thinking about eachother.

She had bought a new phone and called Fiona's home phone so she could give everyone her number.

She received a text on Sunday saying, "You coming in tomorrow? -L"

"Think so, not sure about walking- C"

"If it's about Alex I think he's fine -L"

"No just don't think I'm ready, will get in the car with Romeo- C"

Monday rolled around like it always does, and she got a text from an unknown number .

"Am I picking you up?"

"Is this you R, yes please."

"No, it's Ash. I'll pick you up anyway."

Suddenly she had school girl butterfly's. Her stomach felt tangled and knotted as she anticipated him. Why did the most popular boy in the school want to be seen with her, even if they did get on so well.

She heard a slight rumbling a few streets down and not much later, she got a call from Ash telling her to come downstairs.

He sat on his slick black motorcycle, she stepped back as if to say no way.

"Haven't been on one before?" He asked shocked.

"No it's the hair," she said smoothing it as it was perfectly done.

He tossed her the helmet and said, "Get on!"

She reluctantly put it on and jumped on the back, holding him tight feeling his rock hard stomach and resting her head on his back.

They got to school too quickly for her liking she could have done that all day, but she felt the firey pits of hell all around her as she took of the helmet and followed him into the building, the jealous eyes of girls and confused eyes of boys burned.

Her form room was upstairs forcing them to leave and he whispered, "after all this time you still care about them?" He twirled her around and pushed her into her form before walking away so smoothly.

Her heart beat a little faster and she tried to relive they're short time together as much as she had all her other memories.

A/N Hi Moya and Maddie, I'll pretend like you reading this doesn't freak me out but hello <3

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