Old Moon - Chapter 21

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Slowly they drifted asleep on his bed, the covers were thick and warm unlike the rest of the abbey. Falling asleep next to Asshai she never felt vulnerable, she never felt alone, she didn't care about his parents, she just cared about him.

So when she woke up and there was a dark mass of emptiness were Asshai should of been. The wave of reality crashed over her, his parents don't like her, and she is now alone in a foreign place.

She never wanted to get out of the velvety duvet, she didn't even know where to go or what to wear. So she flipped over and scanned for her phone using her hand as the radar.

"Where on earth are you? ~C"

She tapped through her story's entailing other people's Friday nights while some partied she had the time of her life sleeping next to him.

After her phone went dry, she just stared at the top of the bed with the canopy above her, smiling to her self, feeling truly content. She noticed the bathroom attached to Asshai's room and decided it would be best to get ready even if they weren't doing anything.

She got into the piping hot water, it may have caused some people burns it she liked the feeling. Washing off the sins of yesterday even if yesterday was uneventful, it still felt fresh.

All wrapped up in the fluffy towels she re entered the room from the en-suite, and unlike before Asshai was sitting on the bed.

His eyes looked up to her, she kind of looked like a drenched rat, her hair scraggly and unbrushed and the reminisce of yesterday's mascara had slipped down her face.

"Looking sexy," he chuckled. She hit his shoulder pushing him back a bit.

She got dressed for the day, and blow dried her hair aswell as applying a bit of makeup so she wouldn't look so rat-like.

"So what are we doing?" She asked, sitting down next to him on his bed.

"Well my mother has that ball planned tonight, so I thought I'd show you around the little town until you need to get ready."

He walked behind her like a body guard as they left the house, he would of liked to have been gentlemanly getting the door for her on the car but she'd already jumped in the passenger side and crossed her legs.

He got into the car, the leather seats cold with the airs frost, and leant over and kissed her. It was chaste. Like a married couple, not hot and heavy like they normally would. He saw a blush rise in her face and she just smiled back at him.

"What's with all the smiling?"

"I'm just happy."

"Aww is it because your with me?"

She hit him, "you wish!"

The country roads were winding and the winter sun was deceivingly strong as it occasionally blinded them never changed the cold British temperature though.

She'd seen most of the world, old and new yet the little things would be so beautiful. The English country side was green and boring yet if you looked close enough you could see the beauty of it. The way the grass shone as the cold winter sun hit the dew drops, the way the frost creeped over the plants and the endless roads.

They arrived at a village, it was small with nothing much to do. She stepped out on to the cobbled street and thanked herself for opting for trainers over heels on this occasion, he reached for her hand and took it too easily.

He began to babble about the old history of each of the stone Tudor buildings. Often commenting on him living it, and how inaccurate the textbooks are. The town was ghost like, with few passer-by's and the place seemed frozen.

They sat on a near by bench and watched the wind carry the leaves from side to side and sometimes a person would walk by and they would guess what's going on in their lives.

The little north western sea-side town felt far away. Lyanna, Fiona, Myrcella and Lily felt far away and faded. Alex and his heart break felt vague. Sean and Seb felt far away. The sandstone building that held them prisoners for 6 hours felt far away. Her life felt far away, yet it carried on, and she liked not being there.

She'd built her life there for the past few years, dreading on the day she eventually had to leave and she had been gone a day with Asshai and she didn't miss it. But maybe that was because on Monday it would be there again.

"Come on let's head back."

As they strolled back to the car she wondered if they could do this forever. Be together forever. It was nothing like she'd felt before, an electricity but also a homelyness. Would they like to be together when it all ended? Would they like to be together until a stake was plunged into one of their hearts?

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