Waning Gibbous - Chapter 02

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She stepped inside, the musky old smell hung inside, this place was the shell of so many memories and so many feelings. Carefully navigating the hallways, looking into the classes as she walked by imaging each students hopes and dream, up along the corridors and through the stairs if she hadn't spent 5 years here it would of been a labyrinth but the familiarity opposed that.

Slumping into her English chair, she slowly watched as the class filled up, Lily sat across the room next to Lyanna.
Lyanna was a good friend, you could tell her anything in confidence. Her eyes were electric blue and the volts shocked the blue walls they were confided to. Her smile was large and warm but Clio often saw through it; the laughs were forced and the smile wasn't always real but then again who's always is?. Not due to anyone particularly, it was her brain rooting for the worst in her self - the mirror never showed what everyone else saw a beautiful intelligent girl the mirror turned back an image her demons created pushing her to believe she was not worth much at all. When you listen to a shell you can hear the ocean gushing its secrets and ideas to you, if you truly listened to Lyanna you could sometimes hear her demons coming through. No one in the world needed to be reminded that she was beautiful and intelligent more than her not because she needed the attention or craved it but because you could see her constantly forgetting it.

More people flooded in, another two of her close friends Fiona and Myrcella walked in smugly.

Fiona was beautiful, her hair was a dirty blonde even though she would religiously argue it was brown. She was neat, caring about her appearance much to everyone dismay as we were normally an hour late with her. She was confident, even when she didn't feel confident she acted like it- she commanded the classroom, not like a teacher or a meangirl but with a respect for her ability to just get people. A friend of every bodies even when most of them didn't act like it behind her back. For as much as Fiona was everyone friends and the schools pantomath, knowing each and every bit of gossip and rumour, she got the bad wrap. Her confidence let peoples hate towards her fester as each day they grew quicker they're snide remarks grew louder but she never out right said it and took it on the chin. Her likeability and ability to forgive were taken advantage of, it didn't make her any less popular though.

Her boyfriend Sebastian walked behind her. Seb had messy curly hair the covered his pale green eyes, he was warm and caring. His ability to make people laugh was hard to beat despite sometimes taking a joke to far he was mainly adored by everyone. But Fiona tells us everything and so our rose tinted glasses where firmly off- they are both so passionate a fire in their souls to achieve their dreams, a fire telling them to love and lust and never be too far away and the same fire that consumed them in each argument. Together they built up there world then once in a while scorched it down to ashes and rose like a phoenix, each time taking a little bit of their fire making it shrink a little. Clio loved them both but she saw that the thing that they both wanted to love and care for the most was the same thing that would put them six feet under in a matter of no time.

Myrcella stumbled in, making apologising faces as she tripped over peoples bags. She wasn't clumsy but her awkwardness was in control more than her brain. Her curly hair fell on her shoulder blades and the sun kissed brown curls complemented her dark glowing skin, her brown eyes were honey traps for anyone looking on to them, she captivated people with her looks until the word vomit comes out of her mouth. She was funny and her unapologetic nature felt right to Clio. Her big lips were luscious and you could often hear a (truly awful) song come out of them joined by her friends, and the looks people gave as they sang 70's music obnoxiously didn't burn into her as it would another and her wall of ice around her would not be permeated by them.

The two hours and the first two lessons whizzed by but when there is all this time why wouldn't it. The dinner hall was packed, people pushed and brawled for "their" table as the questionable food was served. The school had changed the lunches to our year 11's with the 12's and 13's instead of the younger years in hope for more revision. Clio laughed to her self- "more revision or more fights?"

The group of girls stalked each older boy as they walked in. Clio was never interested in anyone other than people in her year but she soon found out that the others were. Each new boy or group, Clio found out his name, at least 3 of his ex-girlfriends and their experience, if he's single, and there rate out of ten. She loved this childishness of her friends, even though Lily and Fiona had boyfriends they played along too - Clio thought about Alexander with these boys, what would other girls comment on him, what would other girls rate him and what would other girls say about her and him. Her mind trailed back in to the uncertainty of the pair and the questionable status they withheld.

Myrcella let our a small squeal snapping Clio out of LaLaLand, Fiona shot her a look that translated to "Shut up!! Don't let him hear." All the younger girls eyes began to stare at this boy.

Lily Explained, "that's Asshai, he's the football teams captain so he probably knows Romeo. He gets anyone he wants and all the girls swoon over him"- Clio looked as the rooms eyes were fixed on the tall, dark boy. His skin was that white pale that didn't look sickly but attractive, his dark hair contrasted it perfectly and his emerald eyes were storms of anger and misjudgement.

The girls recoiled, giggling and looking. Myrcella mentioning about he is her type "to a T", Fiona shooting back, "Ella, you have a new type every week and a new boy to kiss with that."

Ella wasn't a slag but she found comfort in boys she couldn't quite find in girls, the way they weren't interested in much but her was fascinating, and they could do anything and the world would fade talking for hours as they watched her ramble tuned out looking at her and she getting everything off her chest. Fiona's words hurt her, because to her it wasn't that she needed someone new but the fact that commitment hung over her, she didn't want anyone to actually listen to her thoughts just watch her and kiss her, she didn't want a boyfriend she wanted a boy for a night or few never leaving the honeymoon faze and no need to rush out of it quickly.

Asshai began walking towards the girls table, each girl in the rooms eyes tracing him, they thought nothing of it he was possibly passing to meet a friend or just to scare them to look away. The girls eyes changed from there fantasy as the space shuttle landed and shook them awake, he stopped behind Clio and dazed expectantly. The girls eyes exchanged glances, a nervous gulp was audibly swallowed by one of them. This wasn't the every day for them, sure someone of notoriety would often talk to Fiona possibly telling her some new news that she would quickly disperse but confrontation was at an all time low and new boy attention was none exist they just knew Seb, Sean, Alex and friends and were content with that.

His large hand began to grab for Clio's wrist, to her surprise they were ice cold just like hers. Across the room Alex was alerted, and began to slowly start walking over- you could see the change in his face of wanted to turn back. Clio looked at Alex to say, "what are you going to do ? Huh?" As he stopped in his tracks. Asshai lead Clio away as she longingly look for her friends help but they just turned back blank faces. The room was ghost quiet with the exception of Asshai's heavy footsteps and a few slight whispers. She looked up and said to her self, "what ever will be will be" .

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