Waxing Crescent- Chapter 24

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Asshai played with Clio's hair as she was asleep on his bed. He watched her stalk up the grand staircase seeing the tears being held back. He carried on with the dance, for the wrath of his mother would have to been too strong. But in the corner of his mind he was fretting. Worrying about her and more importantly what his dad said.

As it always does night turned today, he watched as the moonlight changed into the warm morning sunlight began pouring into his old room. It was the only room in the whole abbey to have the curtains open, just because she liked the way the sun snapped her out of her memories and thoughts.

Rapidly her silver eyes snapped open, to find him staring at her. Groggily she rolled over wrapping her self in the thick sheets. The bed was warm, but being close to Ash made her feel warmer.

"Can we go," she said coldly, if Ash's parents wouldn't let them be together what was the point of wanting him, just for some other people to tear them apart.

He left her in his bed, and walked downstairs, he noticed that she didn't really want to speak with anyone at his home.

He pushed open the door to his dads office. It had large bookcases behind a wooden desk. His father was sitting there reading thorugh some paperwork, and didnt give Ash the time of day to even look up.

"What did you say to her?" he was sharp. He knew his father too well to actually think for a second that he would be okay with his precious son being with a Cromwell, even if it broke his heart.

He let his thin glasses slip to the edge of his nose, and looked up to a tense Asshai. He let out a deep breath, the whole thing was tiresome and unimportant to him.

"Son, you cant go falling in love with that girl when her parents have gone against us for years. Competing for the number one space in bussiness, in society, the kings court, anything we do we are doing to beat them. You can't let a crush mess up our chances of finally winning."

His words hung in the air, thick. They attacked Asshai; would he go with his family or with his heart?

"It doesn't have to be that way, she isn't involved in her parents affair, please."

His please was dragged out, almost like a beg from a child in a toy store.


The lack of words from his father angered him, he just wanted a valid reason, not from a social stand point, what happened to love trumps all.

SLAM! Asshai slamed the door with such anger the whole house shook. A concerened Mrs.Hamilton stood at the top of the stairs, and Mr.Hamilton emerged from his office.

"Son! Get down here now!"

"No! Let me do what i want for this one thing!"

"It will ruin me! And you! We will slip, kiss goodbye to all of this!"

"I would for her!"

His words were louder than the rest of the argument, they had such weight to them. He guessed in a moment of anger he made the choice: heart over family.

Finally Mrs.Hamilton intervened, "Get into the office, BOTH OF YOU!"

They headed her order, she was frail for sure but she was set in her ways about their family. It almost spilt after Bella, she wouldn't let it split after Clio. The two men slumped into the office.

"You two need to be quiet, what on earth is happening?"

"He, wants me to break up with Clio"

"Only because she is a Cromwell."

"I can make my own decisons"

"Not the ones that effect me!

slowly they turned into arguing idoits again.

"BE QUIET! Darling, Clio will not mess with the business or the status, ever think that she may help? Asshai you need to be less sharp tongued, take her home and tell us if your planning on doing anything else."

He left, noticing that Clio had packed up all there stuff.

"I'm sorry if you heard anything.."

"I've heard enough, take me home." She was blunt, why was she so blunt if Mrs.Hamilton approved of them. He was so confused, and there was still remaining adreniline. The worst thing possible had happened, she never heard the full conversation.

"Meet me in town, need a girly day ASAP-C"

She slumped into the car for the awkward car journey home.

"Drop me off in town?" She was snappy.

"Umm yeah sure," he reached for her hand to hold while driving but she moved it away rapidly.

"Clio-" he just needed to explain what had actually gone on.


It was a long awkward drive across the country.

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