Waxing Crescent - Chapter 18

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The clock aligned at 3:00, home time.

The students grasped at there books and threw them in their bags desperate to leave the hell hole that was their school.

Clio switched on her phone, hoping for some answer from Ash knowing he would have seen it by now. The fact he hadn't texted back or even called made her heart sink.

The group of Sean, Lily, Alex and Clio began walking their normal route home, as they got to Clio's tall house she walked past leaving the rest confused.

"Clio you live here," Lily giggled thinking that perhaps she was too far in her own world to notice.

"I know, I'm going somewhere else."

She carried along to the furthest house which was Lily's, after they walked Alex and Sean home, that was near the beach as her brain tried to track where she needed to go.

"Bye Clio, text us tonight please!"

"Okay, I will."

Knowing that she probably wouldn't.

And she carried along the prom and up the windy roads to Ash's house.

She rang the doorbell, non of the lights were on so it was a gamble if he was even in. Rick answered the door, his silver hair scraggly and his violet eyes tinted with slumber.

"Oh hi," Rick's head turned to the stairs, "he's not in."

She could hear him upstairs trying to hold his breath and stay still.

"Your forgetting I'm a vampire too," pushing him aside and climbing the stairs to Ash's room.

She swung open the door, "What the hell?"

"Look Clio, I don't want to be with someone that's embarrassed about me."

She closed the door with her foot, hoping that Rick wasn't listening.

"I'm not embarrassed about you, what's is there to be embarrassed about, it's just Alex is an old friend and I don't like seeing him upset."

"But why do you care about him, he'll get over it."

"Yes, yes he will. But I dont want him to think I'm trying to hurt him."

Ash was quiet, he was losing this argument.

"Well okay then," he flicked through his records looking for one to put on.

She sat on the bed, kicked off her shoes and crossed her legs.

The opening chords to Vincent started to play.

"How did you know?"


"This is my favourite song, I love Van Gogh so much everything in his painting and his life speaks to me like no one else. We have this deep connection."

"Please be quiet, I'm getting jealous of a dead guy."

They both laughed and he pushed him self on top of her, kissing her much rougher than he had before completely opposing the soft beauty of the song playing.

Between the breaths of air Ash somehow told Clio, "I'm going to my parents at the weekend, do you want to come?"

Her heart fluttered, as she simply replied, "Yes," because she never wanted him to be less close than he was now. As they tasted each other's smokey mouths and heavily breathed as they pushed each others bodies onto each other's.

He pulled away from her, her legs wrapped around his torso. He leaned over to his mini fridge and chucked her a blood bag. The room was dark and sleek.

"I'm just warning you theyre a bit much," he sighed, realising that he liked spending more and more time away from them, "so they're having a ball"

"A freaking ball, what am I going to wear and have my hair like, what day and will there be music what type," all of this rushed through her head but she remembered she used to go to them all the time in the 1800's.

She just nodded as a reply and pulled her self in closer, he lifted off his shirt revealing the chiselled muscles she had only felt before. She tugged off her shirt and tie, never breaking contact except for when she gasped for air. Their hands roamed wild, she brushed up and down his silky dark hair as he grasped at her waist. The feeling of pure bliss over rode the both of them, never wanted to let go of the electric touches they sent across each other. They wanted each-other so badly, and when they got eachother everything fell into place in their worlds. They were meant to be and couldn't stop until they felt they had enough of eachother.

He pulled back and held her face in his two hands, gave her a final soft kiss on her forehead and began to stare aimlessly into her eyes, ashes of her old self were trapped in them, like a crystal ball he could almost see everything about her in the shades of grey.

Pushing open his balcony doors the soft crashes of the ocean filled the room, they stepped out into the piercing cold and lit a cigarette watching the smoke and trying to see something in it.

"I think I'm falling in love with you."

Her heart skipped a beat when he said that, and replied from her heart not her head.

"I think I am too."

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