Waning Crescent - Chapter 04

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"Come to mine tonight?" Alex asked after the last bell rang.

"Sure," Clio replied, her and Alex did work well and she could do with forgetting lunch as she should have hours ago.

"You seem different," he simply stated to her.

Alex was simple in all his worth, kind and gentle and never asked for much, he was dry and witty all these things seemed once enduring have turned into static almosts.

"huh? I'm just tired i guess," she replied.

It wasn't the truth but she didn't mind withholding the truth from those she new best no one knew her secret until he smelt it on her, it ran again and again in her mind like film slightly more damaged each time.

Alexanders advances weren't unnoticed but also weren't unwelcomed, the attention he gave he used to make her feel warm. The constant ping-pong of will they wont they was a favourite game of hers each hit almost getting close.

He brushed back his floppy golden curtains for the a millionth time and looked at her staring at him. They spoke with there eyes, Alex looked deep into her storms of grey and saw an occasional flash of blue, he saw her as she was truly mysterious even though she claimed to have told him everything, he saw the love he felt reflecting in her pupils as he saw him self it wasn't accepted yet. She saw nothing, she zoned out not thinking of his mind and what filled it, she reminisced on her favourite times, times before Alex and the girls.

A slight wind shook his bush outside the window, jolting her to look. It was too rash too sudden for her liking yet she convinced her self it was nothing as she was over reacting. The film buzzed on in the back ground as Alex turned to watch it yet again, it was some film buff film that was supposedly had hidden meaning and layers but she saw it as boring. resting into his chest she closed her eyes yet again, not sleeping but flicking through her personal cinema of memories.

"It's finished," Alex mumbled as he tried shaking Clio awake.

She looked at him calculating, searching for answers to questions she had not asked allowed in his face.

"Well I best be off then," she replied.

Brushing her hair with her fingers so she didn't look so dishevelled.

"Let me walk you home"

"I'll be fine. I'm sure, see you"

"No, come on. I just need to grab my coat"

Shaking on her blazer, she said once more, this time with force, "I'll be fine."

Alex sat back down, his eyes began looking for answers too, yet with a sweet goodbye he let her go.

Clio strolled along the amber tinged streets, looking at the semi detached victorian houses as she walked past imagining the people inside. It was cold, and it began to attack her with icy waves of wind - for it did not know she could not feel it.

The moon hung in the sky once again, it loitered among the purple clouds and black heavens. She had always liked the moon for for a time it was her sun, she remembered the days being locked away from the sun, once her master she was finally free.

The panging hunger for blood arose, her eyes grew wide as her animal instincts looked for her prey. Her mind was split, the duality of it was astounding: one arguing to go home and get a bag from the hospital and the other saying quickly grab the closest to you.

Unfortunately, a girl turned down the dimly lit street. One side of her brain had won, she slowly moved toward the prey her eyes stalked each and every movement she made. They soon faced each other and Clio's eyes shouted "Wait" and the girl did.

It wasn't from free will but Clio's control of her made her stop even when her brain said "Go,go,go!"

She slowly brushed the amber locks over her neck revealing a juicy vein, as she hissed a bit in all felt right with the world. Although no longer a slave to the sun she was still a slave to sanguineous veins.

Clio once again looked at the girl, "forget this," giving her a little of her own blood to heal the scar, "never speak of it, just go where you were going."

The guilt in Clio's mind was undefeated as it scolded her for being so impulsive. Still her brain knew it was right as the slight metallic taste was happily left to fade away.

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